Christian Leaders Disturbed by Bush's Mixed Messages On Same-Sex Marriage
by Fred Jackson, Jenni Parker, and Allie Martin
November 12, 2003
(AgapePress) - A disturbing report reveals that shortly after endorsing Marriage Protection Week, President Bush wrote a letter of praise to a homosexual church that performs thousands of same-sex "weddings" every year.
According to WorldNetDaily , the letter from President Bush was sent to the founding congregation of the Metropolitan Community Church in Los Angeles on the occasion of its 35th anniversary. The report quotes the president's letter as saying "By encouraging the celebration of faith and sharing God's love and boundless mercy, churches like yours put hope in people's hearts and a sense of purpose in their lives." The letter goes on to say, "this milestone provides an opportunity to reflect on your years of service and to rejoice in God's faithfulness to your congregation."
As WorldNetDaily points out, the pastor of that church, homosexual activist Troy Perry, was one of those who criticized the president for his declaration of October 12 through 18 as Marriage Protection Week. In his proclamation of the special week, Bush commended the efforts of those working to protect the sanctity of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Perry and his partner, Phillip De Blieck, were granted a marriage license in Toronto in July. He claims he and his partner are "missionaries for marriage equality" and they are working to change U.S. law to allow for full marriage rights for homosexuals. Perry told WorldNetDaily he appreciates the sentiments Bush expressed on his church's anniversary, but that Bush has sent a "very mixed message that makes his effusive praise ... all the more puzzling."
Read Entire Article from WorldNetDaily
Bush's Stand -- Playing Both Sides?
And Perry is not alone in this -- other homosexual activists say they too are baffled by the apparent contradictions in Bush's position on homosexual marriage. Elizabeth Birch is executive director of the leading homosexual advocacy group, the Human Rights Campaign, which also criticized Bush's proclamation of Marriage Protection Week. Birch says it is reprehensible for a president "who claims to be compassionate" to pander to a "coalition of extremist groups" by joining their assault on homosexual families.
Meanwhile, the pastor of the Metropolitan Community Church of Los Angeles, Rev. Neil Thomas, wonders how Bush can denounce the right of homosexuals to marry in their churches and suggest they are incapable of forming healthy marriages on the one hand, while on the other hand he rejoices with MCC in "God's faithfulness" to a homosexual congregation that blesses such unions.
American Family Association spokesman Ed Vitagliano wonders the same thing. He told WorldNetdaily he is disappointed by Bush's actions, calling it "politics as usual." He said it is an example of a politician speaking out of both sides of his mouth, trying to appease two groups at the same time when those groups are after entirely different objectives and uphold completely different worldviews.
|  Dr. Don Wildmon |
Leading the Charge to Protect Marriage
The American Family Association has been a major force in the battle to protect the biblical concept of marriage. The organization is spearheading a campaign to recruit 50,000 pastors to sign an online petition supporting traditional marriage.AFA founder Don Wildmon says this battle is perhaps the most important issue facing the Church today, at a time when homosexual activists are trying to change the definition of marriage to include homosexual unions. "We're right at the verge of it happening, and many pastors just aren't aware," he says.
Wildmon is urging pastors nationwide to visit, an Internet activism website that provides information on how to respond to the frequent attacks against religious freedom and biblical values. Currently the site features a "Pastor's Pledge" and other resources to help defend against the assault on the biblical concept of marriage. AFA's founder wants church leaders to throw their support behind the effort to preserve traditional marriage and to be vocal on the issue.
"The pastors are the leaders, and their members look to them to lead -- it's their rightful role," Wildmon says. He adds that one of the main goals of is to provide information that will make it easier for pastors to lead their congregations in responding to issues of concern to the Church and the family.