'Left Behind' Author Says Iraq Will Be Prominent In End-Times Events
by Allie Martin
November 19, 2003
(AgapePress) - A best-selling Christian author says the present-day tension in the Middle East is falling in line with biblical prophecy.Dr. Tim LaHaye, co-author of the popular Left Behind series of Christian novels, says world events are pointing to the Middle East in general and Israel in particular as the center for prophesied future world events. And he says Iraq will play a prominent role in upcoming events leading to Christ's return.
"Babylon or Babylonia is the old name for Iraq, which has actually been used as a name for that area of the world for about 60 years," LaHaye says.
The eschatology expert points to this geographical region as not only the cradle of civilization and "the place where Adam and Eve met in the Garden of Eden," but also the focal point of end-times events.
The author and theologian says the war to liberate Iraq will pave the way for that nation eventually to emerge as a world power. As the region comes into its own, he says the people of Iraq will want to develop a distinct identity and in the last days old Babylon will become a sort of "Switzerland" for the world, a neutral country.
According to LaHaye, in chapters 38 and 39 in the book of Ezekiel, the one Arab nation not mentioned among those that come against Jerusalem when God destroys Russia and the Arab world, is Iraq. He says scripture suggests that Iraq is going to rise to prominence, but "won't be involved in that awful destruction that will solve the Arab problem temporarily."
LaHaye feels now is an exciting time to be a Christian because the Rapture is imminent. Until that time comes, he says, evangelism should be the primary focus of all believers.
The Christian author has just launched a new fiction series with the release of a novel titled Babylon Rising (Bantam, 2003), a story set before the Rapture of the Church and looking at events leading up to Christ's return.