Christian Law Firm Wants to Stop Secularist 'Grinches' from Stealing Christmas
by Allie Martin
December 5, 2003
(AgapePress) - A Florida Christian legal firm has launched a nationwide campaign to prevent blatant religious discrimination during the holidays.Recently a public school in Wisconsin told students to change religious words in Christmas carols they will sing in an upcoming concert. And in Michigan, a public school segregated all the religious books on the holidays in a separate room. Apparently, rather than being exceptions, such incidents are all too common at this time of year.
Mat Staver, president of Liberty Counsel, can cite such violations of individuals' religious freedom happening all over the U.S. Although in many areas, the American Civil Liberties Union and other secularist groups exert pressure on public institutions to censor all references to the religious aspects of the holidays, Staver says any governmental agency that discriminates against Christians this Christmas season will face legal action.
 Mat Staver | |
Liberty Counsel's president says any frivolous threats by groups such as the ACLU must be answered. "What we need to do is educate the public and certainly these government officials that you can certainly have religious references -- and must have religious references in order to have equal treatment and abide by the Constitution regarding Christmas holidays," he says.In fact, Staver points out that for public institutions to allow only the secular aspect of the holiday presented and to eliminate Christ, who is the very essence of the Christmas holiday, from its celebration is "blatantly unconstitutional and discriminatory."
According to Staver, his organization is currently working on more than five cases in which Christians have had their constitutional rights violated over Christmas celebrations or displays in public buildings. He says the fight to preserve Christians' religious freedom requires continual watchfulness.
"We need to constantly be vigilant," Staver says, "every year. We need to educate, we need to litigate where necessary, and we need to defend against frivolous lawsuits or threats by the ACLU where necessary ... and never, ever give up. We need to make sure the Grinch really does not steal Christmas -- not only in our own lives, but certainly in the public expression of the holiday at this time of year."
The Christian attorney notes that the Christmas holidays are the busiest time of the year for his firm and for similar organizations that must contend with religious discrimination. But he says the organization is willing to defend any governmental entity that abides by the Constitution and allows the equal expression of religious views.