Conservative Spokesman Urges U.S. to Cut Off U.N. Funding
by Chad Groening
December 10, 2003
(AgapePress) - A pro-family activist and former presidential candidate says the United States is long overdue to stop sending the United Nations the American taxpayers' hard-earned money.Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families made the comments following the United Nations' latest move, which some feel is aimed at punishing Israel. Earlier this week, the U.N. General Assembly voted to approve a Palestinian-initiated resolution asking the International Court of Justice to consider whether Israel is legally obligated to tear down its security barrier on the West Bank.
|  Gary Bauer |
Bauer finds the General Assembly's action deeply disturbing. "The right of a country to defend its citizens is a basic right, and Israel enjoys that right as does every other nation," he says.It is Bauer's contention that Third World dictatorships drove the U.N.'s decision. "Most of those 80 countries that voted to do this are themselves governed by dictators or totalitarian governments of one sort or another, or they are part of the overall 'axis of evil' in the world -- that are consumed with hatred of the United States as well as hatred for Israel and Jews."
The conservative spokesman asserts that while the United States did vote against this resolution, it is time for the nation to make a more forceful statement. In fact, he says it is way past time for the American government to take measures to reel in the U.N.
"The idea that even one dollar is coming out of the pockets of hardworking Americans and being sent to the United Nations to subsidize, in some cases, people who hate us and hate everything we stand for just makes my blood boil," Bauer remarks.
Bauer says he hopes President Bush will be courageous enough in the coming months to begin to talk seriously about withdrawing funding from the U.N.