Pro-Lifer: Christians Wasting Their Votes on Both Parties
by Rusty Pugh and Jody Brown
December 15, 2003
(AgapePress) - A South Carolina pro-life activist says there isn't a "dime's worth of difference" between the two major political parties when it comes to protecting the unborn -- and he is asking Christian voters to remember that in next fall's elections.Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the world's largest abortion provider, is a "money machine." The agency's just-released annual report shows a total income of more than three-quarters of a billion dollars -- $288 million in clinic operations, $254 million in taxpayer money, and $228 million in donations. The report also indicates the abortion mill made more than $36 million in profits during the 2002-2003 fiscal year, three times the profits reported in the previous fiscal year.
Both the overall income and taxpayer figures for 2002-2003 are record highs for the agency. During the same reporting period, Planned Parenthood performed 14,000 more surgical abortions than last year -- but only completed 12 more adoption referrals than in 2001-2002.
The agency gets tens of millions of dollars from the federal government through the birth-control program known as "Title X," which is included in the budget of the Department of Health and Human Services. Steve Lefemine, director of Columbia (SC) Christians for Life [Caution: Graphic Images], says many Republicans voted for that funding -- and that President Bush signed it into law.
Lefemine says Christians should stop wasting their votes on people who will not stand up for righteousness.
"In the November 2004 elections, my plea with Christians is to vote for righteousness," he says. "The Bible says that righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people [Proverbs 14:34]. If Christians vote for Republicans or Democrats, they are wasting their votes."
Lefemine does not buy the old line about voting for what some call "the lesser of two evils," saying: "God has not called us to a lesser of evil. He's called us to holiness."
Lefemine says any politician who casts a vote to fund child-killing has innocent blood on his hands.