Christian Internet 'Help Site' Offers Real Answers From Real People
by Jenni Parker
December 22, 2003
(AgapePress) - A pro-family ministry has created a web site to provide immediate help and long term hope for people who are looking for answers to some of life's most difficult questions.TroubledWith, a web site launched by Focus on the Family, offers people seeking answers a unique combination of comprehensive on-line information on more than 65 topics, along with options for receiving more personal feedback. People who are struggling with relationship issues, addictions, or major life changes, or who have questions about these and other challenging topics can go on-line and find informative articles, get answers to frequently asked questions, and even receive referrals to counselors and other resources.
Those visitors who come to the site seeking a more personal response can even request feedback by telephone or e-mail and they will be put in contact with a qualified Focus on the Family staff person or a licensed Christian counselor. Also, TroubledWith provides a high level of interactivity, not only allowing visitors to read responses to many questions, but also letting them ask their own, and even giving individuals the option of sharing their personal stories.
Dr. Bill Maier, Focus on the Family's Psychologist in Residence, says TroubledWith was created both to help people with their own issues and also to give them resources for helping their family members and friends. "Our goal was to create a place where people can find practical solutions to their problems," Maier says, "as well as an underlying message of Christian hope. "
TroubledWith features a wide selection of categories, including Abuse and Addiction, Life Pressures, Love and Sex, Parenting Children, Parenting Teens, Relationships, and Transitions. Each category is broken down into a variety of subtopics that offer brief introductory information on the subject, links to other articles for further reference, recommended resources, and frequently asked questions and answers. And then, perhaps most significantly, visitors to the site can choose to receive a personal response to their inquiries by telephone or e-mail.
Not long ago a Zogby International survey for Focus on the Family asked people about their previous experience with Internet "help sites." Three-fourths of those responding felt that product offers and other advertising made many help sites seem overly commercial, and two-thirds felt that it was difficult to reach a "real person" for assistance. Also, many survey participants said such sites offered little help at all, but suggested they buy some book or go to another source.
It was to address this apparent void in helpful, personalized, quality advice online that TroubledWith was created. The web site is organized by topic for easy and confidential access to a wealth of information, always presented from a biblical perspective, and always giving those seeking more personal, individual help the option of being referred to a professional.
According to Focus on the Family's Cheryl Wilhelmi, the help site is an invaluable resource with an impact that is impossible to measure. "I think the more people find out exactly what TroubledWith has to offer, the more they begin to say, 'This applies to me, all this hits me exactly where I'm at.' Those that are coming to the site are definitely benefiting," Wilhelmi says.
Since its launch last spring, TroubledWith has been quietly helping individuals with some of life's toughest problems. The site currently responds to some 55,000 to 60,000 people monthly, offering sound, biblical advice, helpful resources, and referrals and professional counseling through a network of more than 2,100 therapists.