Conservatives Lay Into Howard Dean for 'Gay' Comments
by Bill Fancher and Jody Brown
January 9, 2004
(AgapePress) - Ignorant. Confused. Ridiculous. Theologically unsound. Those are the descriptors being tossed out in the wake of comments offered up by Democratic presidential contender Howard Dean concerning the issue of homosexuality.
The former governor of Vermont, whose gaffes are already becoming legendary, conjured up the following sound bite during an interview with The Washington Post when he was explaining that his Christian faith convinced him to sign into law that state's civil-unions law: "The overwhelming evidence is that there is very significant, substantial genetic component to it," he said -- meaning homosexuality. "From a religious point of view, if God had thought homosexuality is a sin, he would not have created gay people."
 Bob Knight | |
The reaction from pro-family advocates and conservatives has been, to say the least, blunt. One of those reacting was Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute, who says Dean is biblically ignorant."This might explain why Mr. Dean has been the most pro-gay governor in America," Knight says in reference to Vermont's civil-unions law. "He must think it's a genetic condition. He certainly has completely twisted the Bible by saying 'God has created gay people' -- you don't find that anywhere in scripture."
According to Knight, Dean is not only "biblically ignorant," he is also scientifically ignorant. He says Dean has "fallen victim to a media campaign" to convince the public that there is a genetic component to homosexuality.
"But there is no credible scientific evidence that people are born gay," Knight says. "Even the researchers whose studies are often cited have flat-out said there is no 'gay gene,' it'll never be found; sexuality is far more complicated; and that environmental factors play a great role."
A conservative Episcopal leader says that when it comes to theology, Dean "seems confused about a number of things." Rev. Martyn Minns of the American Anglican Council says "it's a very shallow understanding of creation" to believe that the existence of homosexuality makes it right.
Gary Bauer of the Campaign for Working Families believes Dean's remarks reflect a desperation to show voters that matters of religion are important to him -- but that the comments are "so theologically unsound" that he is at a loss for words.
"No doubt we will soon hear from Dean why his faith also leads him to support abortion right up to the moment before birth," Bauer says, adding that if this is Dean's way of reaching out to people of faith, "he doesn't have a prayer."
Like Bauer, Rev. Louis Sheldon of Traditional Values Coalition sees Dean's comments as "a lame effort to appeal to mainstream religious Americans." Sheldon admits he cannot judge the candidate's heart or soul, but that he can judge the truthfulness of his public statements -- "and his explanation of his position favoring homosexuality is literally ridiculous."
Finally, WorldNetDaily editor and CEO Joseph Farah says that if one listens to Dean, one can only conclude that God is confused. After quoting Dean in his column, Farah -- with tongue firmly in cheek -- writes: "So, there you have it, God either made a big mistake or he needs some of Howard Dean's wisdom and counsel to straighten Him out."
Continuing in that vein, Farah says it is not Dean who does not understand unambiguous statements in the Bible on the immorality of homosexuality; consequently, "It's got to be God who is confused."