College Prof: Report Confirms Strong Anti-Bush Sentiment Among Colleagues
by Jim Brown
January 9, 2004
(AgapePress) - A conservative university professor says he's not surprised by a new study that finds many of his colleagues are a significant source of campaign cash for Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean.The Center for Responsive Politics reports that Howard Dean has received twice as much money from university professors than the other Democratic presidential candidates. He collected nearly $719,000 from education interests through September 30.
Dr. Mike Adams is a conservative professor at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington and a columnist for Adams believes Dean is getting the most contributions from professors because he is the most liberal anti-Bush candidate.
"Professors who are working so hard to establish this philosophy of 'moral relativism' on college campuses, I think have a greater hatred of George Bush probably than any other president in recent history because he sees things so clearly in terms of right and wrong, in terms of black and white, and he has a tendency to espouse moral absolutes," Adams says.
The criminal justice professor says Dean's success on campus reaffirms numerous studies that have indicated college professors are overwhelmingly liberal. "I think it just shows you how passionately they feel about getting [Bush] out of office," Adams says.
It is the UNC-Wilmington educator's opinion that liberal college instructors consider the Chief Executive to be an "arch-enemy." Why? Because "they find him as an outspoken Christian, as someone who believes in objective reality and in moral absolutes, [and] as someone who continues to trumpet these things in public," Adams says.
Even though many university professors are not getting pay raises, Adams believes they are digging deeper into their pockets to support anyone who will speak out against or possibly defeat President Bush -- and that whoever does the best job of attacking George W. Bush will get the most campaign cash from that group.