Form Lets California Parents Opt Their Kids Out of State's Liberal Sex-Ed Agenda
by Jim Brown
January 28, 2004
(AgapePress) - There is a new way for California parents to protect their children from immoral teaching in the state's public schools.
Outraged over a bill signed by former Governor Gray Davis that, among other things, allows schools to give sex surveys to students, California pro-family groups are fighting back. They have released an updated student exemption form that allows parents to opt-out of these surveys and objectionable classroom activities for their children.
The bill, SB 71, not only lets schools conduct sex surveys of students behind their parents' backs, but also permits sex education classes for children as young as kindergarten and programs that expose and sensitize students to all kinds of sexual information -- much of which many parents would find morally inappropriate.
Executive director Randy Thomasson of the Campaign for California Families says the updated exemption form is a rescue for children in the state's public schools.
 Randy Thomasson | |
"Right now these children are virtually guaranteed to be taught to support abortions, safe-sex, condom usage, emergency contraceptives, homosexuality, bisexuality, and even transsexuality," Thomasson says. "Unless the parents intervene, junior citizens are going to get this material that affects their minds and bodies in deleterious ways."The form gives parents a way to indicate their refusal to have their children participate in classes and activities that would expose them to sexually-explicit information or morally-objectionable practices and ideas. "We're making sure that concerned parents get a tool to help them declare their parental rights and protect the eyes, ears, and hearts of their own children," Thomasson says.
And attorney Scott Lively of the Pro-family Law Center notes that the updated form also gives parents a much stronger case should they be forced to sue. "Parents have important rights under state and federal law regarding the education of their children," Lively says. "The Student Exemption Form puts schools on legal notice that these rights must be respected."
Thomasson says the student exemption form needs to get into the hands of every concerned parent in California because "their children's precious minds need to be protected from the social engineers of the left who have taken over the government school system."
The form can be found on the Internet at the Campaign for California Families site, as well as on the websites of the Pro-Family Law Center, the Life Legal Defense Foundation, and the U.S. Justice Foundation.