Palestinian 'Death Culture' Overshadows Peace Efforts, Bauer Says
by Bill Fancher
January 30, 2004
(AgapePress) - Thursday's homicide bombing in Israel has served as yet another reminder that Palestinian terrorists will never give up on their campaign against the Jewish state, regardless of any peace-making efforts.A Palestinian policeman from Bethlehem carried out the bombing on a Jerusalem bus, murdering at least ten people and injuring 50, many of them critically. Gary Bauer, an outspoken supporter of Israel, says the carnage surrounding the bombing is further evidence of the need for Israel to continue building its security fence -- for which he says those with "sophisticated" opinions continue to "harangue" Israel.
"This obscene attack is just one more example of the 'death culture' that now prevails throughout Palestinian society," he says, "and why pressuring Israel to make further concessions makes no sense."
Dr. Phil Gerber, a regional leader in Samaria, says the Israeli people will not be intimidated -- but that they are growing weary with the carnage caused by Palestinian terrorists.
"People in Israel, whether among those who live in the West Bank or those who live on either side of the West Bank, want to have peace," Gerber says. "We're tired. We've been through many battles, many wars -- and what we're looking for is a partner in peace."
According to Gerber, the Jewish citizens of Israel would love for that peace partner to be the Palestinians. But he says the Palestinians have demonstrated time after time that they cannot control the angry terrorist element in their culture.
"Unfortunately, as we've seen over the past five or ten years, the Palestinians have not been able to successfully carry the mantle to say 'We want to have peace with you.' Their idea of peace is to have us go into the Mediterranean Ocean [sic] -- and that's something that we just can't accept," Gerber says.
While the recent lull in violent attacks was a welcome respite, there is growing concern that the Palestinian terrorists are finding new ways to infiltrate Israel.