Schlafly: Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants is 'Immoral'
by Bill Fancher and Jody Brown
February 2, 2004
(AgapePress) - A high-profile conservative is joining the criticism against President Bush's immigration reform proposal.The criticism has been harsh from within the Republican ranks of Congress and from some of the president's strongest support groups. They recoil at the idea of granting amnesty to nearly ten million illegal aliens within America's borders. One of the most vocal critics of the plan is Eagle Forum's Phyllis Schlafly.
|  Phyllis Schlafly |
"We've been confronted with a proposal for amnesty -- and that's what it is," Schlafly says. "Amnesty is immoral because it rewards lawbreakers. Amnesty is not reform; it's making a stupid mistake the second time -- we've been there, done that."Schlafly says the cost to taxpayers will be great under the Bush "guest worker" program. It provides Social Security benefits for illegal immigrants without the ten-year waiting period Americans must endure. On top of that, the recent prescription drug bill included $1 billion to pay health-care costs of illegal aliens.
Opposition to the plan is growing. Associated Press reported last week that, according to a poll, Hispanics generally approve of the president's proposal, which would give currently illegal immigrants renewable three-year permits to work U.S. jobs. But the same poll, conducted by New California Media, found that opposition to the plan grows as they learn of its details.
Forty-two percent of those responding to the survey supported the plan; 20% were opposed, and the rest were undecided. Those numbers changed to a 45-45 split, however, when the respondents were told most of the workers would have to return to their native country once their legal status expired.
According to the poll, three-fourths of those responding favored a plan that would allow foreign workers to earn citizenship through their work, but a White House spokesman told AP the president opposes such an arrangement.