Mid-East Expert: Human Rights Offenders Have No Right Judging Israel
by Chad Groening
March 4, 2004
(AgapePress) - An Israeli Middle East expert says several Islamic countries that gave briefs to the International Court of Justice against Israel's security wall should be hauled in front of the court themselves for numerous human rights violations.From February 23-25, the United Nations' International Court of Justice heard oral arguments from a panel in a request for advisory opinion on the legality of Israel's security wall, built to protect its citizens from Palestinian terrorist attacks. But Israeli author and lecturer Victor Mordecai says several countries who presented oral arguments to the court have no business pointing fingers at Israel.
For example, Mordecai notes, Sudan is among the countries being allowed to address briefs to the court. Yet, "a country like Sudan," he says, "which is a murderous, genocidal regime against black Christians, is not judged."
And the author points out that Indonesia, the most populous Islamic country on the face of the Earth, had a judge on the 15-member advisory panel. But Mordecai asserts that the Indonesians killed half a million ethnic Chinese in the 1960s, and more than 300,000 Catholics on the Island of East Timor. "They have been killing Christians all over Indonesia, and nobody judges them," he says.
And in one particularly egregious example, Mordecai contends that the recent prime minister of Malaysia, who not long ago completed a 25-year term, once called for the worldwide extermination of the Jews. "He said that the Jews control the world, and that the Nazis killed two-million Jews, and how can it be that the other six-million Jews left cannot be killed."
According to Mordecai, Malaysia's former prime minister actually said that the Muslim world needed to re-think its strategy in order to accomplish the destruction of all the remaining Jews on the face of the earth -- an objective the Middle East expert says is at the heart of Islamic teachings.