Prophecy Expert: Scripture Foretells Europe's Rise as America Declines
by Chad Groening
March 8, 2004
(AgapePress) - A biblical scholar and best-selling author says it is quite apparent that Europe is gaining economic influence while the United States is losing its economic clout.Dr. Hal Lindsey has written about the end of the age for more than three decades. The author of The Late Great Planet Earth (Zondervan, 1976) says while the U.S. has been the dominant power of the world since the end of World War II, the Bible clearly indicates that Europe has to return to dominance before the Second Coming.
Lindsey says current world events appear to be moving in that direction, with the power once concentrated in the U.S. shifting toward Europe. "All indicators are that that's happening right now," he says. "The European Union is really gaining momentum. For instance, the euro is now more valuable than the U.S. dollar."
"The United States has been the leader of the West and of the world since World War II, and yet there's absolutely nothing about a power like the United States even implied in prophecy in the days just shortly before the return of Christ," Lindsey says, "so that means something dramatic has to happen to the United States."
But what that dramatic turn of events will be, whether America as a nation will be destroyed or will merely be dramatically reduced in power, the author says he does not know. "But I do know that that power has to shift to Europe," he says.
In any event, Lindsey feels that the United States, Europe, and the world are clearly moving in a direction consistent with biblical end-times prophecies.