'Morals Week' Counters 'Gay Pride Week' on North Carolina Campus
by Jim Brown
March 22, 2004
(AgapePress) - Conservative students at the University of North Carolina-Greensboro are countering "Gay Pride Week" on campus with a "Morals Week."
University officials initially rejected a request by the College Republicans (CR) to hold a Morals Week, but after Townhall.com columnist Mike Adams and a couple of politicians criticized the censorship, the school had a change of heart. Morals Week begins today (Monday) and coincides with Gay Pride Week. Events include an "American Pride Day," "Abstinence Day," and "Right to Life Day."
CR chairman Travis Billingsley says permitting Morals Week is out of character for UNC-Greensboro, which has denied funding and official recognition to his group.
"Conservative students are not as welcomed here on campus," Billingsley laments. "We believe that [school officials] shut out any kind of activities that conservative students have, and that goes along with any kind of Christian organization as well. We're really looking forward to changing that."
The CR spokesman points out that the school's frequent attempts to censor conservative students is not only against the law, but also demonstrates an obvious bias.
"We were denied funding because we wanted to have a Morals Week -- and because we were called 'Republicans.' Well, most of our College Republicans are devout Christians as well, so that was a direct slap in the face because we were denied funding," he says. "Yet our colleagues in the gay community have received tons of funding -- and we just don't understand why that is."
Although the school says it will not fund conservative speakers to come to campus, UNC-Greensboro recently paid a porn star to bring her so-called "safe sex" message to campus.