LifeWay Consults Culture Experts to Quash Critics' Quarrels with VBS Curriculum
by Allie Martin
April 5, 2004
(AgapePress) - A spokesman for LifeWay Christian Resources says this year's vacation Bible school program has received a few complaints about the theme of the teaching materials. This year's theme is "LifeWay's Far Out Far East Rickshaw Rally: Racing to the Son."Rob Phillips of LifeWay says several complaints were received over use of symbols such as rickshaws, umbrellas, and kites, with some critics complaining that the symbols were racially insensitive to Asians.
Phillips says the company has made a comprehensive effort to respond sensitively to all of the critics' apprehensions. "We listened to each concern," he notes, and "we did make a few changes in some of our curriculum to address those concerns."
The company's spokesman asserts that for every concern expressed over the teaching materials, LifeWay has had a superabundance of positive feedback. "Overall, what we have found is that pastors, staff members, lay leaders, VBS teachers, have found this to be a fun, exciting, and biblically sound curriculum," he says.
The whole point of VBS is to bring young people to a saving knowledge of Christ, Phillips says. He adds that the theme of this year's instructional materials was developed through extensive prayer and exhaustive research.
LifeWay's spokesman says once the "Racing to the Son," theme was developed, the Christian resource provider was in touch with the Southern Baptist Convention's International Mission Board, which put the company in touch with a media consultant in Japan. In developing the curriculum, Phillips says LifeWay's people conferred with Japanese language and culture experts, and also traveled to Japan to work with a pastor and his family, as well as other Christian advisors there.