GOP Congresswoman Backs Fellow Colorado Conservative for U.S. Senate
by Chad Groening
April 15, 2004
(AgapePress) - A Republican congressional representative from Colorado is saying that she will continue to support a fellow conservative for the U.S. Senate, despite the entry of beer baron Peter Coors into the race.Ever since Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell announced his retirement last month, one news headline after another has been flowing out of Colorado about who is or is not going to run for the vacant seat. Now Peter Coors has made his candidacy official, putting a damper on the hopes of former congressman Bob Schaffer, who already faces the prospect of an uphill battle against popular Democratic Attorney General Ken Salazar.
|  Rep. Marilyn Musgrave |
Marilyn Musgrave, who now holds Schaffer's old congressional seat representing Colorado's Fourth District, says Coors will be a tough primary foe. "I think that is a race that will be incredibly expensive when you have a self-funder like millionaire Peter Coors," the congresswoman says.Musgrave notes that Coors is "obviously of great concern" to Bob Schaffer and his supporters, but she is still going to support Schaffer. "He has a voting record of six years in the United States Congress that is just outstanding. He's a very strong conservative," she says.
On the social issues, Musgrave says Schaffer has been nothing short of outstanding. "He is strongly pro-life, strongly in support of traditional marriage, and we can count on Bob Schaffer to stick to his guns on those issues," she says, adding, "He has a proven voting record, and I'm confident that he will continue to hold that philosophy."
The Republican congresswoman, who faces a tough primary fight herself, points out that Coors has donated both to Schaffer's campaign and to her own in the past. However, she says, "now it appears that he wants to get in himself."
Musgrave anticipates that both the primary and general elections will be challenging, but she hopes Schaffer can beat the odds and move into a seat on the other side of the Capitol.