Ministry Trains Christian Leaders in World's Hot Spots
by Allie Martin
May 4, 2004
(AgapePress) - An estimated 200 million Christians worldwide suffer interrogation, arrest, and even death for their faith in Christ. One ministry is trying to meet a growing need for leaders among those believers who are enduring persecution.For nearly 50 years, Open Doors has ministered to persecuted Christians worldwide. Last year the ministry trained more than 22,000 pastors and church leaders in some of the world's most restricted areas. Dr. Carl Moeller, president of Open Doors, says the ministry is increasing its efforts to encourage and train Christians in areas of persecution.
"In most places where persecution exists, the persecutors realize that if you cut the church off from its source of trained leadership, eventually that church will lose focus and eventually that church will dissipate or even die," Moeller explains. "We have found that in these places, we have to do double the effort to get good theological training into the hands of pastors and church leaders."
According to the Open Doors president, the need for such solid biblical training is greater than ever in countries hostile to the gospel. He cites Communist China as one example.
"In a country like China, where there are literally tens of millions of Christians in underground churches, there is a crying need as pastors are desperate for deeper training that can come through a ministry like Open Doors," Moeller says. "[And] in a place like Vietnam, where there is revival in many, many parts of that country, the Church is exploding -- and the most basic of training in how to understand and teach from the Word of God is not available."
The oppressive nature of the Beijing regime against members of those underground Christian groups has long been known and reported by groups such as Open Doors. And in Vietnam, thousands of Montagnards -- a collective group of ethnic minorities, many of whom are Christians who belong to Protestant churches banned by the country's communist government -- took to the streets over the recent Easter weekend, demanding religious freedom and the return of tribal lands. At least eight Christians were reported among more than 250 killed in clashes with government authorities during those demonstrations.
Open Doors trains pastors and church leaders in the areas of Christian living, family life, how to thrive under persecution, and others. The organization says the most popular and unique training course it offers is called "Standing Strong Through The Storm." The course shares the lessons of the persecuted Church worldwide, giving a solid biblical perspective on persecution, practical advice on how to avoid unnecessary persecution, and instruction on how to endure persecution when it happens.