Author Says Science Supports Biblical Creation Story
by Allie Martin
May 12, 2004
(AgapePress) - According to a recent survey conducted by Wirthlin Worldwide, most Americans believe science can prove that the universe has always existed and more than 43 percent believe scientists can prove life exists on other planets. But one Christian author and proponent of "intelligent design" says he is not surprised such outdated scientific ideas dominate American thinking.Lee Strobel is a former atheist, a Yale Law School graduate, and a journalist who has written a series of books encouraging people to investigate science's latest data -- facts that he says point toward an intelligent designer.
"The evidence of science does support what the Bible tells us. As one nano-scientist, James Tour of Rice University, told me: 'The more you study science, the more it points you toward God,'" Strobel says.
The author's newest book is called The Case For a Creator: a Journalist Investigates Scientific Evidence That Points Toward God (Zondervan, 2004). In it, he encourages educators, parents, and students to examine science's current findings instead of just giving in to long-held naturalistic views.
"It's very important, especially with young people, to be able to present them with the positive evidence that points toward the existence of a creator. They're going to be hearing a lot in school to challenge that," Strobel says.
But the author contends that the most up-to-date scientific data available is "very persuasive" and "builds a very powerful cumulative case" for the theory of intelligent design. "The evidence from a variety of scientific disciplines from discoveries over the last 50 years points powerfully towards the existence of a creator," he says.
Strobel feels most believers are not well equipped to defend their faith. Through The Case for a Creator, he attempts to address this problem by bringing the expertise of scholars, major origins researchers, and theistic philosophers to bear on many common questions about science and the biblical account of creation.