Author Points Grads to Exciting Journey With God
by Allie Martin
May 18, 2004
(AgapePress) - An attorney and former teacher is encouraging Christians graduating from either high school or college to utilize biblical principals to find their true calling and service to the Lord.In his new book Live Your Passion, Tell Your Story, Change Your World (Thomas Nelson/Countryman Publishing, 2004), author Randy Singer says graduates should think outside the box of traditional ministry. He says God calls graduates and other believers to be on mission with Him, wherever they are -- and he urges them, even if the road ahead is full of unforeseen twists and turns, to set out on the journey in faith.
"It's not a wait until tomorrow or the next day thing," Singer says. "We want the helicopter view of our life -- we want to be up there with God and see where this whole thing is mapped out and how He's going to use it. What He says in scripture, though, is that He stands behind us, whispering over our shoulder whether to turn to the right or to the left."
A key biblical principle the former attorney advises graduates to learn is that God "leads us one step at a time, and our responsibility is to redeem each step for His glory, starting right where we are and starting now," the author says.
Every Christian has been called to serve God in a special way, Singer says, but he feels that, as many graduating believers begin to seek direction for their lives, they often start by asking the wrong questions. He says graduates should not ask older believers to tell them what they should do with their lives. Instead, he suggests they ask their mentors, "How did you discover God's call in your life?"
"By doing that, we'll find that our call is personal between us and God," the author says, adding that God "knows us by name. He calls us but He doesn't tell other people what we're supposed to do; He tells us what we're supposed to do."
Singer co-authored Live Your Passion, Tell Your Story, Change Your World with Dr. Bob Reccord, president of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.