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Passion is the Key

by Randall Murphree
June 1, 2004
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(AgapePress) - The title itself should entice most anyone to want to take a look at Roger Weldon's first book. Look at the subtitle -- "Finding Passion and Purpose in Faith, Family and Vocation" -- and we realize that pretty much sums up what we need.

Weldon writes, "I believe these are some of the most powerful questions we can ask ourselves: What am I passionate about? What do I care deeply about? What is it that lights me on fire and simply will not let me go?" If those questions spark a yearning in your spirit, uncover a deep need or an empty spot -- you're probably ready for Weldon's Living the Abundant Life.

"This book is written," he says, "to help you live the abundant life -- to help you find out why you are here." Weldon may be a rookie author, but the 10-year Navy veteran and bank city president has a wealth of experience in working with people, observing human behavior, and articulating ways to enhance human potential.

He's done it the practical way -- trial and error in his own life. So the reader knows his methods and principles are not just academic, but have been tried in the trenches. In addition to helping us identify what brings passion to our hearts, he spends a lot of words helping us get a grip on our gifts and how we can integrate them into abundant living.

He doesn't shy away from being vulnerable, but offers an honest glimpse at his own life, and practical steps to bring more meaning to our lives. He believes strongly in the value of small group life within the Body of Christ, pointing out that they reflect the Acts 2 model for the Christian community.

"Second," he says, "small groups remind us that we are not alone. As we move closer to each other, the list grows of those who love us just as we are. Life has more meaning when we are loved deeply." Finally, he believes in the accountability that small groups can bring to our lives when we are totally honest within the group.

His new book can provide valuable aid for the solitary reader, but its impact will surely be enhanced by reading through it and discussing its questions with your own small group. Weldon takes the elements cited in his title and subtitle as the skeleton around which to construct a strong body of practical, doable principles for living abundantly.

The tone of the book may be best illustrated by citing a few of Weldon's reflections on human nature and spiritual needs.

Weldon writes: "For those who bear the title 'Christian' but still feel incomplete, the emptiness may be the result of knowing Him but not living the life He prescribed when He said, 'I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly' (John 10:10)." In chapter one, he cites six things that divert us from abundant life, including fear of rejection, exhaustion, and lack of desirable role models.

He is big on abundance as the birthright of a child of God, and he is big on the fact that we are children of the King. Still, he maintains the proper perspective on our grasp for abundance: "Quite frankly, abundance lies before us and is ours for the asking. Asking instead of taking because abundance is a gift provided by the life and sacrifice of Jesus."

Take to heart a few more of his comments regarding passion, and you're sure to want to look farther into the mind and advice of this gifted leader/banker/author/Believer:

  • Passion is vital because so frequently we cover all of the bases except our soul.
  • As we mature ... [p]assion is replaced by political correctness, conformity, and the strict adherence to the status quo.
  • There is no such thing as lukewarm passion.

Ready to get out of your lukewarm faith journey? Living the Abundant Life is a great place to start.

Randall Murphree, a frequent contributor to AgapePress, is editor of AFA Journal, a monthly publication of the American Family Association. More information about Roger Weldon's writing and speaking ministry is available on the Internet at his website.

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