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Conservatives Bless Reagan's Memory As They Mourn His Passing

by Sherrie Black and Jenni Parker
June 7, 2004
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(AgapePress) - As America reacts to the death of 40th U.S. president Ronald Reagan, Christians and conservative around the nation lament the loss of the beloved "Great Communicator" and recall the character and leadership that have become his legacy.

Messages to the bereaved family are coming from all over the country from friends and fans of the former president, including the Reverend Billy Graham and his wife, Ruth, who were among the first to send condolences. According to Associated Press, a Reagan family spokeswoman said Graham, who is currently in the hospital in North Carolina, would not be able to attend the funeral for Reagan, who passed away Saturday after a long battle with Alzheimer's disease.

Former Senator John Danforth will officiate at a Friday service in Washington's National Cathedral, where President George W. Bush is also slated to speak. In comments to the press, Bush called his White House predecessor a great man who "had the confidence that comes with conviction, the strength that comes with character, the grace that comes with humility, and the humor that comes with wisdom."

A political leader's legacy

Gary Bauer

Gary Bauer of Campaign for Working Families says the nation has lost "an American hero," as well as "an incredible president." He credits Reagan with setting in motion the rollback of Soviet communism as well as making tax cuts the central economic policy of the Republican Party. "But perhaps most importantly," Bauer says, "he brought the values of family and faith into the political arena, where it remains today."

The conservative pundit and former presidential candidate says history will record that it was Ronald Reagan's clear vision of what was at stake in the cold war that led to the fall of the Iron Curtain, and his economic policies that led to the biggest decline in marginal tax rates in the U.S. ever.

But Bauer, who served in the administration for all of Reagan's eight years in office, agrees with those who say the former president will be best remembered for his role in fundamentally transforming the G.O.P.

"Before Reagan, the Republican Party in a very basic way was a party of accountants, known for its emphasis on budget deficits," he says. "Reagan brought a spirit and core values to the Republican Party that have made it in many ways the governing party of the United States today."

Bauer says his heart goes out to Mrs. Reagan and the Reagan family as they mourn the loss of the late Ronald Reagan. He adds, "I will forever be honored by the opportunity to serve him."

The vision that ended the cold war

Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness says Reagan's legacy as commander in chief of the Armed Forces -- winning the war on communism -- is something that Americans today should ponder.

Donnelly recalls how her own generation grew up with the fear of nuclear war, just as the current generation faces its own unique fears. She says Reagan's decision to build up the military meant a great deal to her even then "because to live in fear of a nuclear exchange -- just as many young people today live in fear of a terrorist attack -- it's something we have to live with but have to bring to an end as a great nation."

CMR's president says there is a definite parallel between the cold war during Ronald Reagan's presidency and the present day conflict. "We're going to have a long twilight struggle also in the war against terrorism. It takes vision. He had that," she says. "I just hope the American people will support [George Bush] in everything that he must do to win the war. on terrorism."

Donnelly, who was a Reagan campaign volunteer years ago, says the former president inspired a lot of people who are now in high level positions in government. "You can always spot a Reaganite," she remarks, "because they have their principles straight and they usually do the right thing."

In the Illinois Town where Ronald Reagan grew up, he was memorialized this past Sunday at the small church where he was baptized and used to teach Sunday school. In addition to the upcoming funeral in Washington on Friday, a separate service in Los Angeles will honor the memory of the late president, with his last minister in California presiding.

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