Blackaby Says Obedience Is Key to Spiritual Power
by Allie Martin
June 9, 2004
(AgapePress) - A noted author and Bible teacher says many Christians want to be blessed by God -- without following God's commands. But in their new book, Dr. Henry Blackaby and his son, Mel Blackaby, say the mark of a true walk with Christ is obedience. The Blackabys, who also penned Experiencing God Together (Broadman & Holman, 2002), recently brought forth a book called What's So Spiritual About Your Gifts? (Multnomah, 2004). The book seeks to help Christians understand how to live their lives in a way that pleases God -- something that can only be done through the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Co-author Mel Blackaby says many people want to ignore Christ's admonition to follow him with an meek spirit. "Obedience is the key," he says. "It's not about whether he'll use your strength or your weakness -- it's whether you'll obey him no matter what he asks of you.
Although the Lord may want to use a believer in an area where he or she is very talented, the author says He may just as easily choose to use people in areas where they have no experience. "The key is whether you're walking in a relationship with him where you'll say 'Yes, Lord,' and trust the Holy Spirit to equip you accomplish that task," Blackaby says.
In any case, a proper perspective and understanding of the Holy Spirit is essential in the believer's life, the noted Bible teacher insists. However, he says many Christians both misuse and misunderstand the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts.
"We've watched people who almost use the Holy Spirit like their servant," the author notes. "In other words, they say, 'Give me gifts, help me be successful,' and they kind of take from the Holy Spirit. They identify spiritual gifts and then run off and do whatever they want with them."
Blackaby says Christians need to be reminded that the Holy Spirit is not their servant but, as part of the Trinity, is God, and "we cannot convince the Holy Spirit to do what He doesn't want to do."
What's So Spiritual About Your Gifts? uses biblical illustrations to describe for readers the pattern of the Holy Spirit's gifting and work. The father and son co-authors contend that it is when Christians truly come to understand and embrace the Holy Spirit, that the Spirit's gifts can begin to enable the Church to be Christ-centered, to be unified, and to practice powerful, genuine love.