Critic Claims Homosexual Activists Make False Claims, Radical Demands
by Bill Fancher
June 23, 2004
(AgapePress) - A conservative critic says for those willing to take an objective look, it is easy to see that honesty is not considered a virtue in the homosexual community.
Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute says at the recent Methodist Student Forum 2004 gathering in Conway, Arkansas, pro-homosexual issues were presented and discussed, followed by a communion service, in which the bread that was used was rainbow colored.
 Bob Knight | |
Hendrix College Chaplain Wayne Clark, who brought the bread, claimed it was not meant to promote the homosexual rainbow theme. However, Knight has his doubts. He says, "To say that the rainbow-colored Eucharist has nothing to do with the gay agenda shows the dishonesty of these folks. Satan is the father of lies and one of the worst lies that has been told in our modern era is that homosexuality is inborn, natural, and not dangerous."But all that, according to Knight, is far from the truth. "All of those three things are lies. People are not born gay; they can overcome it, and if they don't they're in for real tragedy," he says. He adds that any church that embraces such lies and celebrates sexual perversion ceases to be a real church.
Yet, even as homosexual pride and equality proponents push for acceptance and affirmation of their lifestyle within the church, many are also demanding endorsement on a much broader scale. Knight notes that many homosexual activists are not very happy with President George W. Bush right now because he has again refused to declare June as official "Gay Pride Month."
But the Culture and Family Institute spokesman says these activists really have no reason to complain. He notes, "When President Bush came into office, he left all the Clinton radical gay policies intact, but he did not issue a Gay Pride Month notice as Clinton had, so I'm not surprised that he would continue that policy of not issuing it."
However, Knight feels Bush should do more to show that the White House does not endorse these pro-homosexual observances. While his failure to make an official declaration may make a sort of statement by inaction, Knight says what Bush should do is "go beyond it and forbid the federal agencies from having their own gay pride celebrations."
The president has made no such move as yet. Meanwhile, most federal agencies will observe "Gay Pride Month" with special forums, picnics, and rally events throughout the remainder of the month.