Florida Rep. Rips Dems for Lack of Patriotic Fervor
by Chad Groening
July 1, 2004
(AgapePress) - A Republican congressman says Democrats on Capitol Hill want George W. Bush out of office so badly that they put politics ahead of national security.Mark Foley says lawmakers on the other side of the aisle have not demonstrated the kind of common, devoted spirit he believes should be present during a time of war. Instead, the Florida Republican says Democratic leaders have put America's armed forces in greater harm's way by undermining the president's policy on Iraq.
 Mark Foley | |
He says those Democratic spokesmen are constantly comparing Iraq to Vietnam in order to convince voters the conflict cannot be won and the U.S. needs to pull out. Foley is not reluctant to name names."If you look at some of the biggest voices in the room that have been really provoking and leading this outrage, it's Ted Kennedy, who compares it to Vietnam. It's Bob Byrd, who was a former member of the KKK, now a U.S. senator, who's saying that this is a similar situation to Vietnam. It's the kind of poisonous, negative atmosphere that I believe is unpatriotic [and] un-American," Foley says.
The Florida lawmaker, who has been in the House since 1994, says even though he disagreed with many of former President Bill Clinton's foreign policy moves, he supported him because the lives of Americans were on the line.
"Whenever [Clinton] launched something in Bosnia or somewhere else, I recognized that while I may have disagreed with the intent of his policies, we now had men and women in harm's way -- and our job was to stand and back that president doing what he had to do as Commander-in-Chief," he says. "I find a lack of that same 'esprit de corps' on the other side of the aisle."
Democrats, he says, are willing to do anything get the president out of the Oval Office. "They just want George Bush out in the worst way," he says.