Despite Increased Violence, Jewish Evangelists Press On in France
by Chad Groening
July 27, 2004
(AgapePress) - A worldwide evangelistic ministry dedicated to reaching the Jewish people for Christ is very concerned about the increase of anti-Semitic acts in France.Jews for Jesus says it is not going to be intimidated by a report indicating there have been nearly as many acts of anti-Semitic violence in the first six months of the year as there were in all of 2003. Susan Perlman, first assistant to the executive director of Jews for Jesus, expresses concern.
"They released some figures that anti-Semitic acts... or threats were at 510 in the first six months of this year, and all of last year the figure was at 593 -- and we're only halfway through the year now," she observes.
Nevertheless, Perlman says, the ministry's staff recognizes their calling. "We're called to be there and to do what we're doing," she says, "and we know that the Lord doesn't put us in situations that can't be handled and that we can't trust in Him for."
The ministry official says she finds reassurance in knowing God has been with them in their work and will continue to be. "He tell us to fear not, that He's with us -- and He truly has been. We're not going to be thwarted from going out and handing out tracts [and] talking to Jewish people."
Perlman says that as a Jewish evangelism ministry, Jews for Jesus often faces flak from both those who do not like Jews and those who do not like the Jewish Messiah, Jesus.