CWA: Pro-Aborts Pushing for International Law on Sexual, Reproductive 'Rights'
by Bill Fancher
September 7, 2004
(AgapePress) - Two pro-abortion organizations are teaming up to push their agendas at a series of upcoming international meetings.Apparently the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) desire to be able to override any nation's laws that might hinder their pro-abortion agenda. The two organizations are arranging to make a concerted push for their plan at several upcoming international conferences.
Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America predicts a huge battle shaping up in two areas.
 Wendy Wright | |
"International Planned Parenthood Federation and UNFPA are joining together at various U.N. conferences to push their agenda of what they call 'reproductive rights,' which includes abortion, and 'sexual rights,' which has no definition," Wright says. "So it can mean anything that a person would find sexually stimulating, they could argue they have the 'right' to."According to Wright, the two groups want to create "international law" dealing with these areas. She says this new type of law could take precedence over a nation's laws that contradict what IPPF and UNFPA want to accomplish.
"What the UNFPA and Planned Parenthood are trying to do is create international law whereby people could argue that they have the 'human right' to sexual rights or to reproductive rights," she says, explaining that individuals could then use that argument to try and overturn countries' laws or states' laws that restrict abortion or protect people from what she describes as "perverse sexual activity."
Wright says the United States' delegation is the biggest obstacle facing the new IPPF-UNFPA team.