Problems Have 'Double Impact' For Women In Persecuted Church
by Jim Brown
September 7, 2004
(AgapePress) - A ministry that serves the persecuted Church is helping women who live in countries hostile to Christianity.Five years ago, Open Doors USA began a program called Women of the way, or WOW. That program assists Christian women living in countries where Christian believers routinely suffer religious persecution.
Jane Huckaby is with Open Doors USA. She says conditions are tough for women in many parts of the world, but can be especially challenging for Christian women facing life's challenges in nations where the Church is persecuted.
"If you're a woman in one of the societies, it's even more difficult," Huckaby says. She explains that if a believing woman "becomes a widow or her husband becomes imprisoned, she becomes completely destitute and is virtually orphaned."
And Huckaby points out that losing a husband can lead to more than material hardship for a woman under such circumstances. "As difficult as it is for her to admit, she becomes a burden on the church. And it's the last thing she wants," the Open Doors spokeswoman says.
Another difficult issue, she adds, is that many Christian women in persecuted countries around the globe are illiterate, which not only increases their dependency but can make them easy prey for followers of false religions such as Islam. "If they can't read, than they cannot read God's word. They are susceptible to whatever lie may come to them," she says.
Huckaby notes that Saudi Arabia, as wealthy as that country is, has extremely high illiteracy rates among women. "Only 69 percent of the women can read," she says, "so literacy and poverty are huge hits for women -- much [more so] for Christian women -- it is a double impact on them."
WOW groups across the U.S. work to raise awareness of the plight of Christian women in persecuted nations through auctions, walk-a-thons, banquets and other activities. Also, Christian women in America are encouraged to visit persecuted countries through trips organized through Open Doors' WOW ministry.