Pro-Family Leader: Same-Sex Marriage Lobby Getting Worried
by Bill Fancher
October 6, 2004
(AgapePress) - A race is under way to determine which of nine states will follow Massachusetts' lead in legalizing homosexual "marriage." A leading pro-family advocate says homosexual activists have launched a major campaign to legalize homosexual marriage in these states for a number of key reasons.
According to Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute, the reason for this pro-same-sex marriage push is obvious. "I think homosexual activists know the window is closing on their opportunity because people are waking up to the fact that marriage is 'a bridge too far,'" he says.
 Bob Knight | |
Knight believes more and more people are seeing the need to defend a traditional definition of marriage. "Even people who feel they are very tolerant are saying, 'Wait a minute: marriage is a man and a woman. We've got to move to protect this,'" he says.The Culture and Family Institute spokesman points out that 13 states will have voted on a marriage amendment by the time election day is over this November. He is confident all 13 will vote to amend their constitutions and protect traditional marriage -- which he believes is another reason for the pro-homosexual marriage activists' push for legalization in several states.
However, Knight sees the same-sex marriage proponents' efforts as desperate and futile, and he believes they are worried about the future of their cause. "Homosexual activists feel an opportunity slipping away," he says. "They knew they had to get laws on the books quickly to validate their agenda before people woke up and realized it wasn't about tolerance and freedom, but about using government power to force others to affirm their sexual relationships, even if it goes against your faith."
New Jersey and Oregon head the list of states vying to be number two on the list of states where same-sex marriage is legal. Meanwhile, the Culture and Family Institute and other pro-family groups are continuing to urge grassroots action and citizen involvement in the battle to defend marriage.
Earlier this week, Knight issued a statement encouraging people to support the effort to preserve the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman by attending an October 15 "Mayday for Marriage" rally. The event, scheduled to take place from 12 noon until 3:00 p.m. on the National Mall in Washington, DC, is being organized by the pastors, civic leaders, and citizens who comprise the group Mayday for Marriage.
Knight describes the rally as "a wonderful opportunity to show policymakers and the rest of the world that many, many people understand that marriage is a God-given gift that no one should put asunder." He is encouraging individuals who want to see marriage preserved for future generations to attend the rally and join in celebrating "the natural bond between men and women that is realized in marriage."
The Mayday for Marriage rally will host a variety of pro-family speakers, including Dr. James Dobson from Focus on the Family, Alan Chambers from Exodus International, and Chuck Colson from Prison Fellowship.