Author Says True Reverence Requires Right View of God
by Allie Martin
October 6, 2004
(AgapePress) - A Christian songwriter and performer says it is time for believers to rediscover true reverence in the act of worship.In his new book, Facedown, Matt Redman says all worship music should point people to a holy, just and mighty God. The Christian musician and recording artist, who has penned a number of books on worship, offers some practical advice for those believers who want to learn more about genuine, biblical worship.
"Dive into the scripture," Redman says. He notes that the Bible is replete with the stories and insights of worshippers who drew near to God and encountered His glory, with transforming effects.
Those individuals were never the same, the author says, and a believer who wants to experience true worship must seek a similar transforming encounter.
Redman says Christians who want to have a deeper experience of God in worship must pray to God for this kind of experience, asking "would you let me encounter You in that way ... to see You as the Most High God?"
Facedown is a companion volume to Redman's CD and a DVD of the same name. The Christian singer-songwriter, who has composed some of today's most popular contemporary Christian worship music, says this newest project is designed to help people rediscover true reverence in the act of worship.
See earlier article about Matt Redman's book Facedown
The author says many misconceptions about worship exist, which is why it is essential "to paint a big picture for the world to see, whether it's through creative things, or whether it's through things we do in our church -- just trying to point people towards a glorious God."
Redman says all too often, seekers come into churches and hear portrayals of the Creator that suggest to them that He is "just one of us." The worship leader warns that Christians should avoid creating a minimized perception of their Lord.
"It's great to sing about God as a friend and it's great to sing about Him as one who draws near to us -- of course, it's wonderful," the singer explains. "But it has to be in the context of Him as a holy, almighty God that has no equal."
Redman, who penned such popular Christian songs as "Heart of Worship" and "Better is One Day," has written several books, including the "Worship Series" titles Unquenchable Worship (Regal Books, 2001) and The Heart of Worship Files (Regal Books, 2003).