Author Says Serving Others Is Key to Self Control
by Allie Martin
October 8, 2004
(AgapePress) - A Christian counselor says it is possible for Christians to get control of desires and cravings that hinder their spiritual growth.In his new book Feeding Your Appetites: Take Control of What's Controlling You! (Integrity Publishers, 2004), Stephen Arterburn says God-given appetites are like fire: they can be good, or they can become an uncontrolled inferno, capable of destroying a person's life. He also asserts that people must make changes both in their thoughts and their actions if they are to find true healing and growth.
"You'd think that the little, sick mind that got you in trouble is going to get you out of trouble, but it doesn't," Arterburn says. "You have to surrender to God's way. And a lot of times we want God's way to be the solo way, but God always drives us back to other people."
But the author says a believer will never get control over an out-of-control appetite until confession and repentance take place. Christians must fully surrender to Christ in order to overcome addictions such as pornography, overeating, and extramarital or premarital sex.
The Christian counselor says one excellent way to overcome such addictions is by serving others. A major part of walking in healing, he explains, is "connecting and serving other people and reaching out and being a part of the life God intended -- not our little kingdom, but we surrender to be part of God's kingdom." As Christians do this, the author continues, "then we start the journey toward healing and help."
As a spiritual principle Arterburn contends that for anyone to bring an appetite under control, he or she must learn the concepts of balance and moderation. He says many believers have trouble with repeated cravings because they have never made Christ the Lord of their lives.