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Ohio Senators, Prominent Educator Lining Up Against Marriage Amendment

by Rusty Pugh, Allie Martin, and Jody Brown
October 13, 2004

(AgapePress) - A pro-family advocate says both U.S. senators from Ohio have gone back on their word and now say they don't support that state's proposed amendment to ban same-sex "marriage." At the same time, another Christian activist in the Buckeye State is calling for the president of Ohio State University to resign over her public opposition to the amendment.

Ohio citizens will see on their ballot in November a proposed amendment to the state constitution that defines marriage as the union of a man and a woman. The text of the Marriage Protection Amendment (Issue 1) reads as follows:

"Only a union between one man and one woman may be a marriage valid in or recognized by this state and its political subdivisions. This state and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage."

The measure was brought to the ballot after supporters of traditional marriage gathered more than half-a-million signatures on petitions calling for voters to have a say on a proposed constitutional amendment. Pro-homosexual groups launched legal challenges to the petitions throughout the state, but were turned away by the courts.

Now, U.S. Senators Mike DeWine and George Voinovich -- both Republicans, and both who claim they oppose homosexual marriage -- have announced they oppose the proposed amendment. According to news reports, both feel the amendment goes too far and could affect couples of the same or opposite sex. A spokesman for Voinovich told Associated Press that the senator is "concerned that [the second clause in the measure] may interfere with organizations that receive state funds, such as public or even private universities [and] with how it may even interfere with what businesses do for any employee in terms of compensation and benefits."

Phil Burress, president of the Cincinnati-based Citizens for Community Values, says both senators are out of step with most Ohioans. He adds they are guilty of "political double-talk" -- especially Voinovich.

"We sent out a questionnaire, questioning the candidates who are running for office in the state of Ohio, and Senator Voinovich sent back his reply supporting Issue 1, marriage between one man and one woman," Burress says. "He checked yes, he supports Issue One, and signed [the questionnaire]."

But as the CCV leader explains, the first-term senator and former governor changed his mind about the amendment. "A couple weeks later he comes out publicly and says he's opposed to it," Burress says. "So I don't know how else to describe that than wishy-washy, flip-flopping, double talk. I mean, add any words you want to it -- the facts speak for themselves."

According to Burress, both Voinovich and DeWine also vowed they would never support a federal "hate crimes" law -- which they have now done. Voinovich is up for re-election this fall; DeWine's current term expires in 2007.

Holding Holbrook Accountable
The two senators from Ohio are not the only public officials being taken to task for their apparent lack of support for traditional marriage. Last week, Coach Dave Daubenmire -- a candidate for the Ohio State School Board in the Ninth District, and leader of the group Minutemen United -- appeared at a meeting at Ohio State University where he publicly scolded OSU president Karen Holbrook.

Daubenmire said it was inappropriate for Dr. Holbrook to take a public stand against the proposed marriage amendment. "As a paid public employee, she was certainly overstepping her bounds to speak out against the will of the people of the State of Ohio, who pay her salary," Daubenmire states. "If she wanted to be for same-sex marriage, that's her own personal opinion. [But] she should not be using her platform at Ohio State University to oppose the wishes of the people who pay her salary."

Holbrook had stated earlier her opinion that the amendment would be harmful to the university's ability to remain competitive. Daubenmire says the school president's action is equivalent to "spit[ting] in the face of hundreds of thousands of Ohio's tax-paying citizens" who signed the petitions in defense of marriage.

"I thought the president of Ohio State University completely overstepped her bounds," the state school board candidate says. "We want to be so nice; we want everybody to love us; and we don't want to make any waves. I just tell you, I felt on this issue, it was time somebody made some waves -- and I was scared to death; but I was honored to be the guy to go down and do it."

Dr. Holbrook approved "domestic partner benefits" for OSU employees without public discussion. In Daubenmire's opinion, Holbrook is promoting a "dangerous and immoral agenda" -- and he says it is time someone held her accountable for that.

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