Media Analyst Predicts Ramp-Up in 'Vicious' Media Activity Post-Election
by Chad Groening
November 17, 2004
(AgapePress) - A conservative media watchdog organization expects President Bush's election victory will undoubtedly cause the liberal media to get even more vicious than before.According to a spokesman for the Virginia-based Media Research Center, the organization is glad it is not spending the weeks following the election analyzing how the liberal media was successful in getting John Kerry elected to the Oval Office. But MRC spokesman Tim Graham says instead, his group will be busy analyzing the media's post-election vitriol.
|  Tim Graham |
"Conservative Republicans have made gains in the House and the Senate, and you have a president with a greater mandate than he had the last time," Graham notes. "The liberal media's going to feel very embattled and cornered, and are probably going to get more vicious than we've seen before."Graham, the MRC's director of media analysis, recalls that following Republican gains in 2002, his group predicted the liberal media would "feel that they themselves are the only barrier between unvarnished conservatism and reason." He thinks that is even more true today.
He adds that he is hopeful media reaction will not force the electorate to hear about "Hillary 2008" for a while. "Now I hesitate to contemplate the idea that by January we'll all be discussing Hillary Clinton's campaign for president. Let's try to put to put that off as long as we can."
Generally, he says, voters do not experience the "feverish campaign cycle stuff" that surrounds a presidential election until after the mid-term election [2006]. But he does expect what he calls "rough partisan combat" should Chief Justice William Rehnquist decide to retire. The chief justice has been undergoing treatment recently for thyroid cancer and has been absent from oral arguments and court conferences for almost a month now.