Graham's Ministry Geared Up for Massive Christmas Outreach
by Allie Martin
November 29, 2004
(AgapePress) - Millions of gift-filled shoe boxes will soon be on their way to needy children around the world. This massive volunteer effort is all part of the annual project known as "Operation Christmas Child," an outreach of Samaritan's Purse.This year, children and families, churches, scout troops, and civic groups have yet again packed shoe boxes with necessity items, small toys, school supplies, candy, and letters of encouragement. The boxes will be hand delivered to needy children in 95 countries around the globe.
Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan's Purse, says every box is important, and "like a snowflake -- every one is different. There's no two boxes that are identical. And I believe when that box goes with prayer, it has God's attention."
 Franklin Graham | |
Graham points out that intercessory prayer is an essential part of this holiday outreach. He says when seven million people pray, "I can tell you right now, God's going to hear this prayer, and He's going to answer it, and He's going to bless it, and He's going to use this [project] to the glory of His Son, Jesus Christ."The founder of Operation Christmas Child notes that each shoe box is filled not only with toys and gifts, but also with a gospel presentation. "This is a project for evangelism. It's a way to reach children at Christmas with not only a gift that puts a smile on their face and some joy in their little hearts," he says, "but it gives them a chance to hear about God's Son, Jesus Christ."
In 2003, the Samaritan's Purse ministry's Christmas project collected over 6.6 million shoe box gifts and distributed them to children in 95 countries worldwide. Operation Christmas Child projects that more than 7 million shoe boxes will be delivered to needy children this year.