UW Officials Slammed for Allowing Transvestite Inanity, Published Profanity
by Jim Brown
February 25, 2005
(AgapePress) - An institution of higher learning in Washington State is being criticized for allowing a drag queen competition on campus and permitting the student newspaper to run an article containing profanity.
According to University of Washington Daily reports, 600 people came to see the second annual "Gender Bender Drag Competition" on the university's Seattle Campus. According to the Daily, the event included graphic sexuality, sex jokes, and other kinds of dirty humor. Reportedly, 150 would-be spectators had to be turned away due to limited seating.
The UW Student Affairs Office declined to comment on the drag queen competition or on the Daily's use of profanity in its coverage of it. However, Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute had plenty to say about what he calls an "utterly indefensible" event.
 Bob Knight | |
"Parents and taxpayers who pay good money to ensure that kids get a good education don't have this kind of stuff in mind," Knight says. "These groups are being allowed to corrupt kids -- that's really what we're talking about -- they're tempting kids into weird sex, weird depictions of sex, gender-bending. They have no business doing this on a publicly supported campus."
Although what happened at the "Gender-Bender Drag Competition" is clearly disgraceful, the CFI spokesman says he is not surprised that the UW-Seattle administrators are keeping mum about the matter. "It's about fear of offending homosexual activists who will make their lives miserable if they stand against them," he says.
Sadly, Knight says there are few heroic figures on U.S. college campuses today like former San Francisco State College president S.I. Hiyakawa, who wouldn't allow student radicals to disrupt the learning environment on his watch.
Knight says Hiyakawa kicked them out, telling them to get off his campus because other students were there to learn -- not to watch the agitators stage their disruptions. "We don't see that kind of character in university officials anymore," the CFI spokesman says. "They're frightened of they're own shadows."
What the University of Washington really needs, Knight says, are "courageous administrators who will not turn their campus over to depraved, perverted people who make life miserable for anyone who offends them." But at the very least, the pro-family advocate asserts, the UW campus officials should be expected to maintain minimal standards of decency.
Jim Brown, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.