Will UCSD Discipline Student TV Station for Airing Porn?
by Jim Brown
March 1, 2005
(AgapePress) - The University of California, San Diego, is attempting to head off a public relations nightmare after allowing its student-run TV station to air a porn video on public airwaves.
Recently UCSD's Student-Run TV aired the video "Amateur, Amateur Sex Tapes." University spokeswoman Pat Jacoby says school officials are troubled by the indecency. "We are disappointed that SRTV is being used for this kind of programming and that these students have chosen to express themselves in this way," she says. "We are currently investigating whether or not this programming is in violation of FCC regulations, the SRTV charter or campus policies and procedures."
San Diego pro-family activist James Hartline questions whether UCSD will take any action against SRTV because the school has embraced an ideology of sexual liberty.
"The chancellor at UCSD has encouraged, for example, the gay and lesbian center that operates on the campus to participate in a lot of [activities] I consider to be very negative and derogatory to family events," Hartline points out.
The activist says sexual immorality is frequently promoted on the campus. "They constantly emphasize the protection of women, and the protection of students from sexual harassment. That's a huge thing on the campuses -- to stop sexual harassment," he says.
"But the reality is, that's all talk; because when they allow students to engage in pornography, and when they allow that on a student campus, and when they allow classes which encourage students to explore sexuality, then I think they're just totally hypocritical."
Hartline, a former homosexual who has been fighting AIDS for eight years, says it is not beyond the pale of imagination that students would make porn on campus given the fact that many UCSD courses advocate sexual immorality as a way of life. Meanwhile, SRTV says it plans to show another porn video next month.
Jim Brown, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.