VOM Urges Prayer for Persecuted Christians, Fast-Growing Church in Iran
by Allie Martin
March 28, 2005
(AgapePress) - An official with Voice of the Martyrs says one Middle Eastern nation is becoming increasingly open to evangelical Christians.As the Bush administration pushes the Iranian government to scrap its nuclear weapons programs and that regime faces major restructuring, the Christian Church in Iran is expanding rapidly. In light of the current situation, VOM's Todd Nettleton says Evangelicals have unique opportunities in that Middle Eastern nation -- for the time being.
Nettleton says there are "very exciting things happening" among the Christians in Iran. "The Lord is doing great, great things in the Church there," he adds, "and it's exciting to see what's going to happen. There has been talk -- Is there going to be a revolution, are they going to push the Mullahs out of power, how's that all going to work, and what's that going to mean for the Church?"
Although the ministry spokesman says he wishes he had answers to all those questions, he admits he does not know what the future holds for the Iranian believers. "I do know, however, that there is a rapidly growing, very excited, very evangelical church that is being rooted in Iran," he says, "and whatever happens, that Church is going to have an impact on the people around them and on the society as a whole."
However, Nettleton points out, life is still very dangerous and difficult for Christians in Iran. He says there are factions of the Iranian government that continue to support severe persecution of believers. Open witnessing is banned and the government uses spies to monitor Christian groups closely. Meanwhile, believers are also discriminated against in education, employment, and property ownership, and several pastors have been murdered in recent years.
Nevertheless, although Christian missions are not allowed to enter Iran, a growing number of Muslims have converted to Christianity. VOM is urging believers in the West to pray for the Church in Iran, asking God to protect the evangelical Christians there while inspiring them with creative ways to share the gospel inside their country.
Allie Martin, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.