Terri's Supporters Wonder Why Congress Choosing Not to Intervene
by Jody Brown and Bill Fancher
March 29, 2005
(AgapePress) - Christian activists are appealing to God and to Congress to save the life of Terri Schiavo, who because of a court-imposed order is preparing to enter her twelfth day without food and water.A bioethics analyst with Focus on the Family says while it may be difficult for Terri's supporters to face, time may have run out for the 41-year-old Florida woman. Carrie Gordon Earll says removal of the woman's feeding tube on March 18 has taken its toll on her body. That move was ordered by Florida state court judge George Greer.
"At this point, Terri's organs may have been irreparably damaged by the lack of nutrients and hydration," says Earll. "Even if they tried to save her, they might not be able to."
Still, Christian activists on the scene and across the country believe Congress can play a role in the ultimate outcome and should enforce its subpoena ordering that Terri be brought to Washington. Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, tells Family News In Focus that Congress has the option to exercise some legal actions.
"Congress still has this outstanding subpoena to Ms. Schiavo, and they were going to hold a hearing on the issue," Fitton points out. "And Judge Greer ignored the subpoena and flouted it. And Congress has it within its power to vote Judge Greer -- and other appropriate parties -- in contempt to enforce its own subpoena, and refer it to the Justice Department for action, and they haven't done that."
Why? Fitton believes the lawmakers on Capitol Hill are afraid to act. He says they appear to be wary of "political blowback" that may result from any efforts they expend to save Terri Schiavo.
"I'm not aware of any actual blowback, other than the results of some polling -- and negative liberal media reaction," Fitton adds. "But that's to be expected."
Meanwhile, Associated Press quotes Mike McMonagle of the Pro-Life Union of Southeastern Pennsylvania, who says the fight to save Terr's life "is about the soul of our nation and the soul of our church." And Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition prayed that God would "send spiritual awakening" to America so that "the dignity and sanctity of life is honored and revered."
Among those visiting Terri today (Tuesday) was civil rights activist Jesse Jackson, who on behalf of Terri's parents appealed to lawmakers in Washington to intervene. After meeting and praying with Bob and Mary Schindler, Jackson told reporters that "while the law is important, the law must be tempered with mercy to have justice. We ask for justice today." Jackson added "[T]oday we pray for a miracle, for God's intervention -- and God has done it before."
Cloning Ban
After dealing with the Terri Schiavo case -- or not dealing with it, depending on one's interpretation -- Congress is once again about to be faced with the life issue from another angle. Another bill has been introduced in Congress that would ban all forms of human cloning.
 Wendy Wright | |
Wendy Wright of Concerned Women for America, who supports the effort for a total ban on human cloning, says leaving the door open to what is called "therapeutic cloning" -- as Democrats desire -- would be a problem."It would be just a malicious attempt to allow for the creating of a class of human beings to be used for research but not allowed to live," she says, adding that once scientists have approval to do that, "their incessant push for no moral boundaries will extend past the embryo stage to cloned fetuses [unborn babies], then onto newborns and beyond."
Wright says a total ban on human cloning is the only way to make sure all human life is valued. The bill, introduced in the Senate by Sam Brownback and Mary Landrieu and in the House by Dave Weldon and Bart Stupak, will be debated later in this session.