Attorney Lauds CT Judge's Refusal to Recognize MA Same-Sex Marriage
by Allie Martin
April 6, 2005
(AgapePress) - A Connecticut judge has ruled that same-sex "marriages" performed in Massachusetts are not valid in Connecticut. One legal expert is hailing the decision, which he believes sets an important, marriage-affirming precedent.Judge Linda Pearce Prestly ruled that Connecticut courts have no authority to hear a request for an annulment of a civil marriage between two Connecticut women who entered into marriage in Massachusetts and then returned to their home state. Mat Staver, president of Liberty Counsel, is calling the judge's ruling a major victory for pro-family forces.
 Mat Staver | |
"This is good news," Staver says, "and it follows the trend in Connecticut courts, which have previously ruled that they have no jurisdiction to dissolve a Vermont civil union. Now this court has indicated it has no jurisdiction to dissolve a Massachusetts same-sex marriage because Connecticut recognizes only the marriage of one man and one woman."The Liberty Counsel spokesman says Judge Prestly's ruling establishes a strong court precedent for other states across America that are now wrestling with or will eventually confront similar cases involving same-sex "marriage." The attorney maintains that the ruling leaves no doubt about the true, legal definition of marriage.
"The good news is that, in Connecticut, clearly marriage as one man and one woman is continuing to be preserved," Staver explains, "and this sets good precedent for the other 49 states, because sometimes what happens is people go to Massachusetts and get a same-sex marriage license, and they'll try to get it recognized in one form or fashion in another state."
According to attorney, Prestly's ruling could have a positive nationwide impact when it comes to preserving traditional marriage. Still, Staver believes the legal battles are likely to continue, and a federal marriage amendment is the only way to protect traditional marriage from activist judges.
Allie Martin, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.