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Family Advocates Hail House Passage of Parental Notification Bill

by Jenni Parker
April 28, 2005
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(AgapePress) - Pro-family groups, including the National Right to Life Committee and Concerned Women for America, are applauding members of the U.S. House of Representatives for supporting a measure that requires parental notification for girls under age 18 before they travel to another state for an abortion.

Yesterday, in a bipartisan vote of 270 to 157, Congress passed the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (CIANA). The newly approved legislation would impose a federal parental notification and mandatory delay law for any young woman seeking an abortion outside her state of residence. The bill also requires any abortionist to notify a parent before performing an abortion on a minor who legally resides in another state.

Across America, about half the states currently have parental notification or consent laws on the books. But frequently young girls -- many times under pressure from an older boyfriend or the agent of an abortion provider -- go around the law by traveling or being transported to states that do not have such parental notification laws in effect. The CIANA would make it a federal offense to transport a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion when that action is undertaken to evade a state law requiring parental involvement.

Under this legislation, parental notification prior to performing an abortion procedure on an out-of-state minor would be obligatory, unless the abortionist is already required to notify a parent by the law of the state where he or she practices; or unless the minor has court authorization for the abortion procedure. Or, in the event that the minor indicates that she is a victim of abuse, the abortionist is required to notify the appropriate state child abuse agency instead of a parent.

House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas, a co-sponsor of the CIANA, hailed its passage on Wednesday. A Cybercast News Service report quotes him as commenting that, no matter how divided the nation might be on the issue of protecting the unborn, "we all agree that we cannot overlook the safety of a pregnant girl and the rights her parents have to protect her."

But even on this issue, dissent does exist. Critics of the bill, including the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, argue that the legislation allows the government to intrude on private, family decision-making. Also, some contend the measure lacks compassion for minors who may be abuse victims or may have an otherwise less than ideal family situation.

Opposition to Parental Notification Law Dismays Family Advocates

A parental notification bill similar to the CIANA was introduced in the Senate, but it has been blocked by Democratic opponents. Douglas Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), is among the many pro-life advocates who are dismayed and frustrated by the liberal lawmakers' opposition to the legislation.

In a recent statement, Johnson commented, "It is outrageous that the Senate Democratic caucus has thrown up procedural obstacles to block parental notification, despite numerous polls showing 75 percent or more of the public supports requiring parental notification."

One such poll, the NRLC points out, was released just yesterday. The Polling Company, Inc., conducted a national survey April 21 - 24, asking participants, "Do you agree or disagree that a person should be able to take a minor girl across state lines to obtain an abortion without her parents' knowledge?" The poll found that an overwhelming 82 percent of the respondents disagreed, with 75% saying they strongly disagreed.

Concerned Women for America (CWA) is another group that applauds Congress for passing the CIANA and is now urging the Senate to pass a similar measure. CWA says the Senate, by approving a comparable bill, would be upholding the parental notification statutes established in more than 30 states and would also be protecting young girls from exploitation at the same time.

"Adults who abuse minor girls and those who assist by covering up the evidence must be held accountable," says Wendy Wright, CWA's senior policy director. "How heart-rending for a young woman to be statutorily raped; but doubly tragic for other adults to form a conspiracy network to evade state laws intended to protect her."

Lanier Swann, CWA's director of government relations, says pro-life and pro-family advocates owe many thanks to Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, another co-sponsor of the CIANA, for her efforts. Particularly, the pro-family advocate commends the Republican lawmaker "for her commitment to defend minor girls who are taken advantage of by those who do not hold their best interests at heart."

CWA believes parental notification legislation will protect minor girls who are vulnerable to being pressured or further exploited by those that would assist them in obtaining an out-of-state abortion to circumvent state parental involvement laws. If the CIANA becomes law, Swann contends, it will enable young girls facing a crisis pregnancy to receive parental care and counsel before making a decision with life-long consequences.

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