Dobson: Lott Has Brokered Deal on Filibuster
by Chad Groening and Jody Brown
May 10, 2005
(AgapePress) - A prominent pro-family leader says he is "disgusted and alarmed" that Mississippi Republican Senator Trent Lott appears ready to cut a deal with Senate Democrats to preserve their right to filibuster President Bush's judicial nominees.On Tuesday (May 10), Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family told Don Wildmon, chairman and founder of the American Family Association, that a "totally reliable source" informed him that the senior senator from Mississippi has arranged a deal that would effectively prevent Majority Leader Bill Frist from invoking the constitutional option -- sometimes referred to as the "nuclear option" -- to stop the Democrats' continued filibuster against the president's conservative judicial nominees.
|  Dr. James Dobson |
Speaking to Wildmon on American Family Radio's AFA Report, Dobson conveyed his feelings about the report given to him by that source."I don't remember being so disgusted and alarmed by what I just had confirmed in the Senate as I am now," Dobson stated emphatically. "Senator Trent Lott is about to sabotage Majority Leader Frist and cut a separate deal with the Democrats to preserve the filibuster of judges."
According to Dobson, Lott and five other GOP senators will join six Democrats in the arrangement. "The deal, which Senator Lott vigorously denied yesterday, proposes that four of the ten filibustered judges would be confirmed -- but that the filibuster would remain intact," the Focus on the Family founder says.
What's in it for the Democrats? Dobson explains: "The Democrats, for what it's worth, have promised not to filibuster [nominees for] Supreme Court justice [vacancies] unless there were 'extreme circumstances,'" Dobson says skeptically. "Guess what that means: it means that it's business as usual."
The possible deal was first mentioned on Monday (May 9) by Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper. Wildmon, like Dobson, voiced strong feelings about the plan at that time. "This is exactly the kind of compromise the liberals have been looking for," Wildmon stated in an Action Alert to his organization's supporters on Tuesday morning, distributed before he received word from Dobson. "Senator Lott's proposal will do nothing but allow the liberals to still be in control."
Wildmon describes the vote to end the filibuster as "the most important vote taken this year in the Senate" -- and Senator Lott's proposal, he says, "means we lose."
When he received word on Monday of the possible deal being discussed by Lott and Senate Democrats, Wildmon began alerting listeners to his American Family Radio stations throughout the Magnolia State, encouraging them to call the senator's main office in Washington, DC, and district offices located in four Mississippi cities, and providing phone numbers for those offices. Lott's offices were reportedly kept very busy fielding calls from constituents voicing their opinion on the filibuster deal.