Pro-Family Advocate: Selfish Homosexual Subculture Has Annexed Frisco
by Jim Brown and Jenni Parker
June 2, 2005
(AgapePress) - A pro-family leader says families have been driven out of San Francisco, California, because of the high cost of living and the increasingly family-unfriendly culture itself. According to an Associated Press report, San Francisco's 18-and-under population is just 14.5 percent -- the lowest percentage of children for any major city in the United States.
Robert Knight, director of the Culture and Family Institute, believes a major reason for this statistic is that San Francisco's dominant subculture is prompting families to flee the city. That subculture, Knight contends, is largely made up of childless adult singles and couples -- many of them homosexuals -- who live well and who live mainly for themselves. "The homosexuals have enormous influence," he says. "It's a very artsy city, and everything's very expensive. That's one reason families can't afford to live there anymore. It's all geared toward either the single life or the two-income adult life without kids."
 Robert Knight | |
Today in San Francisco, Knight points out, there is a proliferation of what used to be called "dinks," or "dual income, no kids" households. Many of these are homosexual couples, and in a city where homosexuals represent 20 percent of the population, the pro-family leader says it is no surprise that there are so few children. "The homosexual lifestyle is about pleasing oneself," the CFI spokesman asserts, "not planning for the future, not setting aside money for kids, not trying to create a situation where the generations come together. It's about having fun. It's about indulging in whatever desire you want at any given time."Of course, Knight adds, not everybody in San Francisco feels that way, even among the homosexual citizens. Still, the pro-family advocate contends, "the subculture has become dominant in the city," and he feels Mayor Gavin Newsom is sending conflicting messages by claiming to be worried about how few children and solid families there are in San Francisco, while at the same time doing everything he can to undermine family life by destroying traditional marriage.
Even with the high economic standard of living in the City by the Bay, Knight observes, "I know a lot of families that would probably like to live in San Francisco -- except that they don't think it's a good environment for their kids, even though it's a very pretty city." He feels many families that are moving out have chosen to do so because of what the City Council has done to groups like the Boy Scouts of America -- that is, kicked them out of all city buildings, including the public schools.
If Gavin Newsom wants to have more families moving into his city instead of fleeing it, Knight asserts, then the San Francisco mayor is going to have to stop being a servant of homosexual marriage activists and the city's own selfishly oriented homosexual subculture. According to the CFI director, public officials and policy makers who promote same-sex marriage and other pro-homosexual causes in the name of tolerance are not being compassionate, but are in fact making a "declaration of indifference over the tragic results of homosexuality and a direct threat to marriage and the well being of children."
Bid to Legalize Homosexual Marriage in Calif. Falls Short
But while San Francisco is perhaps suffering the consequences of such indifference, elsewhere in California, traditional marriage supporters are celebrating a victory. Lawmakers in the Golden State have narrowly defeated a bill that sought to legalize same-sex marriage.
The proposed measure would have amended California's Family Code to define marriage as being between "two persons" instead of between a man and a woman. The proposal required 41 votes to pass; the vote in the Assembly was 37 to 35. Therefore, to date, Massachusetts remains the only state in America where same-sex marriage is currently legal.
During the heated debate over the California proposal, State Assemblyman Jay La Seur linked the homosexual marriage measure to "the destruction of the moral fiber of this nation." Although the effort to legalize same-sex marriage across the state failed this time, pro-homosexual forces in California say they will continue their fight.