Senator's Partisan Comments Warrant Recusal from Confirmation Process, Say Pro-Family Groups
by Jody Brown
July 8, 2005
(AgapePress) - A prominent Democratic member of the Senate Judiciary Committee is being called to task for reported comments he made that clearly indicate his prejudicial stance on the White House's pending nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court -- whoever that may be. Two pro-family groups are saying the only proper step for New York's Charles Schumer to take is to bow out of the confirmation process altogether.According to news reports, Senator Schumer was overheard on Wednesday (July 6) discussing "how we are going to go to war over [judicial nominations]." In addition, the senator has stated "It's not about an individual judge .... It's about how it affects the overall makeup of the court." Such comments, according to two pro-family groups, reveal Schumer's partisan strategy about any upcoming confirmation hearings on nominees to the nation's highest court.
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, says he and his organization are appalled at Schumer's contention that the nomination process for filling the judicial seat vacated by Associate Justice Sandra Day O'Connor will be a "war," regardless who the president sends up for confirmation.
|  Tony Perkins |
"Senator Schumer's ultimate goal is to fulfill his own personal political agenda and refute any nominee who doesn't live up to his specified litmus test," says Perkins, who contends that "legislating from the bench" is the senator's objective. "He will do whatever it takes, regardless of who the president nominates, to disrupt the judicial process."While Democratic opposition to President Bush's judicial nominees is hardly a new development, Perkins sees Schumer's apparent plan to thwart anyone put forth by the White House as "shameful." The FRC president is calling for a response from Schumer.
"I would not hesitate to suggest that Senator Schumer should recuse himself from the confirmation process since he has obviously already made up his mind," Perkins states.
Neither would Focus on the Family's vice president of government and public policy. Tom Minnery says Schumer has disqualified himself with his "war" declaration and must withdraw from the confirmation process.
Minnery is convinced the liberal senator from New York has essentially admitted that a nominee's judicial background or qualifications are of no concern. Schumer, says Minnery, has one objective: "For him to say 'it's not about an individual judge' but about 'the overall makeup of the court' makes it clear his only objective is in obstructing any nominee who doesn't subscribe to his brand of judicial activism."
The Focus spokesman notes that under the Constitution, members of the U.S. Senate are obligated to offer their advice and consent on nominees, but that all Schumer is offering is "his disgust and contempt." And for that reason, Minnery adds, Schumer should remove himself from confirmation process altogether.
"To do anything less is to deny the forthcoming nominee his or her rights to a fair and impartial hearing, and an up-or-down vote in the full Senate," Minnery states.