Kirk Cameron's Calling: Helping Christians Share Their Faith Biblically
by Allie Martin and Jenni Parker
July 14, 2005
(AgapePress) - Successful actor Kirk Cameron has found a full-time vocation in equipping fellow Christians to share their faith effectively. For several years now he has worked along with evangelist Ray Comfort to develop a ministry known as "The Way of the Master."Cameron and Comfort host a weekly television show that teaches believers how to witness to friends, family, or strangers using the Ten Commandments. During a recent appearance on Trinity Broadcast Network, the actor talked about how the ministry has affected his life.
|  Kirk Cameron |
Cameron's work with The Way of the Master ministries keeps him busy, but he has no regrets about how he spends the bulk of his time. He says, "While I love to do benign family entertainment and fun, great things that are exciting -- adventures, comedies, dramas -- there's nothing more important than seeing that people go to heaven when they die."The Christian television and film star is known to many fans for his portrayal of young charmer Mike Seaver on the show Growing Pains, a hit TV situation comedy that aired on ABC from 1985 to 1992, as well as for his leading man stints as "Buck Williams" in two end-times thriller movies: Left Behind and Left Behind II: Tribulation Force. He stars again in a third film adapted from the popular book series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins, Left Behind: World War III, which is now in post-production.
But between movie-making and bringing lost people to Christ, Cameron makes it clear there is no contest. "All of us have someone or many people in our lives that we know are not saved, but we don't like to talk about it," he says. But talking about it, with evangelical purpose and effectiveness, is what he believes every Christian must learn to do.
"Sometimes we'll say, 'Well, if they die without Christ they'll go to ... a not very good place ... H-E-double hockey sticks.'" the actor continues. "But the truth is that the Bible says every time we sin, we store up wrath for ourselves, and without the forgiveness of Christ, eternity is hell. I don't want the people I love to spend eternity in hell."
That is why Cameron insists that Christians should never back down when it comes to sharing the full gospel of Christ. He feels every believer has a responsibility and a calling to do so, and that helping others learn how to lead people to Jesus has been the most important work of his career.