Christian College Praised for Holding Fast to Its Biblical Worldview
by Jim Brown
August 15, 2005
(AgapePress) - A Bible college professor and home-schooling dad is praising a Christian college in Virginia for firing a low-level employee because he does not believe salvation is found only through faith in Jesus Christ. Recently a Loudoun County judge ordered former Patrick Henry College (PHC) employee Jeremy Hunley to stop disparaging the school over its statement of faith affirming that salvation is by faith in Christ alone. Hunley, a member of the Church of Christ denomination, was let go by the school after he began promoting the idea that baptism is necessary for salvation.
Baptist evangelist Voddie Baucham, Jr., says PHC should be lauded for its commitment to an uncompromisingly biblical worldview throughout the school.
 Dr. Voddie Baucham | |
"In the midst of the culture in which we live -- where relativism and tolerance are considered the ultimate virtues -- Patrick Henry [College] has taken a stance in direct opposition to that kind of thinking," Baucham says. "And if we are going to do anything and win this battle in the marketplace of ideas, that's the kind of stance that each and every one of us has to take. So I think they should be applauded." Baucham says as a home-schooling dad who will soon be sending his children off to college, PHC's action in the Hunley case only moves the school up, not down on his list. He says when parents begin searching for a college with a "first-rate commitment to academic excellence and an uncompromising stance on the essentials of the historic Christian faith throughout their departments and throughout the school," there are not many from which to choose.
"I'm not talking about just a few people in your religion department who happen to be solid," he continues. "I mean from top to bottom. When you start looking for places like that, it is a very short list."
According to Baucham, officials at Patrick Henry College not only did the right thing, they did the only thing they could do to maintain their integrity and continue to be the institution they were founded to be. And the fact that people would criticize PHC for holding to its statement of faith, he says, is indicative of the fact that today's culture no longer values integrity.
Jim Brown, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.