Christians Subject to Pornography's Lure
by AFA Journal
September 19, 2005
(AgapePress) - Another pastor's ministry is lost and his family stripped away -- all because of an addiction to pornography. As sad as it is, Christians are not immune to the evil forces of perversion, as evident from a growing body of research. According to World magazine, 2003 survey found that 47 percent of Christians admitted pornography is a serious problem at home. In addition, 37 percent of pastors have viewed Internet porn, according to a 2001 Christianity Today leadership survey.
"Intense availability has largely contributed to such numbers," Mark Bergin wrote in World. "The Internet's offer of complete anonymity and instant accessibility has changed everything." That availability, notes Bergin, has also tapped a previously unreachable market: children.
Bergin reported that pornographic websites account for 12 percent of all websites and function as links to 372 million pages of porn and service some 68 million daily search engine requests for such images.
Although advanced technology is aiding the sinful habit of porn addiction, there are also a number of programs focused on helping addicts break free. Such organizations include Dynamic Living for Men (DLM); Faithful and True Ministries; Harvest USA; Christians for Sexual Integrity; and Pure Life Ministries.
This article, reprinted here with permission, appeared in the September 2005 issue of AFA Journal, a monthly publication of the American Family Association.