'American Candidate' Victor Ready to Jump Into Real World of Politics
by Allie Martin
October 5, 2005
(AgapePress) - The winner of last year's reality television program which pitted contestants in a mock presidential election hopes to soon be experiencing the reality of running for a congressional seat in South Carolina. Last fall Park Gillespie, an elementary school teacher and a Christian, was named "The American Candidate." The reality cable TV series pitted Gillespie against other contestants in a mock presidential contest. With that victory tucked away, he says he now plans to announce in the near future his candidacy for South Carolina's Fifth Congressional District -- a seat currently held by veteran Democratic Congressman John Spratt.
Gillespie says his campaign will focus on the need to bring a Christian worldview into the marketplace of ideas -- and that to be successful, it must be under girded by prayer. "What I want to see happen -- specifically in my own life -- is that the Lord does bless us with this situation, going to represent the people of the Fifth District," the potential candidate says. "I want to have accountability to a large degree. I want people to have access to an open door on Capitol Hill [so] that when I'm there, there's complete accountability and transparency."
"The American Candidate" winner is firm believer in Christians engaging the culture through the political arena.
"Many times [we] Christians believe that ... we've got all these things that are against us. Hey, look," he says, "greater is He that is in us than is in the world -- and we can do all things through Him who strengthens us. If [God has] called us to do something, it's critically important that we really dive in with passion, and we press in to Truth and that we trust Him. He's given us all a reason and a purpose for our life."
Primaries in South Carolina are set for June. The general election takes place in November 2006.
Allie Martin, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.