'American Girl' Assailed for Teaming with Pro-Abortion Charity
by Mary Rettig and Jody Brown
October 13, 2005
(AgapePress) - The spokesperson for a pro-family group says she was disturbed to find that a toy manufacturer esteemed by Christians has joined with a pro-abortion, pro-lesbian group. And a Chicago-based pro-life organization is hinting at a boycott against that toy maker if the partnership is not dissolved soon.
The American GirlÒ brand was established in 1985 by former educator and educational publisher Pleasant T. Rowland. It is now owned by toy-maker giant Mattel, Inc. The American Girl website describes itself as "one of the nation's most respected brands" whose products -- which include books, dolls, and toys -- have "earned the loyal following of millions of girls and the praise and trust of parents and educators."
Kathryn Hooks, director of media and public relations for the American Family Association, says American Girl has long been treasured by Christians for emphasizing traditional family values with their dolls. But now, Hooks notes, American Girl has partnered with a charitable group called Girls Inc. to sell a bracelet known as the "I Can" Band. Under the arrangement, American Girl is donating 70 cents of every bracelet purchase ($1) to the charity, as well as a $50,000 lump sum.
|  Kathryn Hooks |
The AFA media spokesperson says the problem is that Girls Inc. promotes a social agenda that is distinctly contradictory to that of American Girl. "Girls Inc. has clearly stated support for Roe v. Wade and 'every young woman's right to choose.' They are pro-abortion, pro-choice without a doubt," the media spokesperson says. "That is made clear on their website." Hooks is referring to an advocacy statement on the Girls Inc. website addressing "reproductive freedom," which states: "Girls Incorporated supports a woman's freedom of choice, a constitutional right established by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 in Roe vs. Wade."
According to Hooks, Girls Inc. also offers girls resources encouraging lesbianism and bi-sexuality. One of their publications states, "The emergence of a lesbian identity is an ongoing process, rather than an event." In addition, advocacy statement pages on the website state the group endeavors to eliminate "homophobia and other forms of discrimination" and that girls have a right to "positive, supportive environments and linkages to community resources for dealing with issues of sexual orientation."
Hooks says American Girl's affiliation with Girls Inc. is particularly disturbing because the latter's website reaches out to girls as young as six years old. And that is why, she says, the American Family Association is encouraging parents to take action.
In a notice to its supporters, AFA has urged individuals to contact American Girl, expressing their disappointment. "[L]et American Girl know they are making a terrible mistake by supporting the pro-abortion, pro-lesbian organization, Girls Inc.," says AFA chairman Don Wildmon in the notice. "[L]et American Girl president Ellen Brothers know the company's decision casts a great shadow over their trustworthiness to put the welfare of girls and children first."
Boycott Hinted
The Pro-Life Action League has joined AFA in its call for American Girl to severe ties with Girls Inc. The pro-life group recognizes the same paradoxical partnership between the two groups.
"Parents associate American Girl dolls with wholesome American family values, yet Girls Inc. contradicts parents' most basic moral beliefs," says League executive director Ann Scheidler. "Parents need to know that this effort to promote self-esteem among girls is not as innocent as it seems."
And like AFA, the Pro-Life Action League is encouraging parents, grandparents, and other family members to write to Ellen Brothers to object to the company's support for Girls Inc. "While Girls Inc. has some good programs," Scheidler says, "they also support abortion, oppose abstinence-only education for girls, and condone lesbianism."
Scheidler says she is hopeful American Girls ends its partnership with Girls Inc. soon -- before the Pro-Life Action League initiates a boycott of American Girl products and launches picketing campaigns at American Girl Place retails outlets in Chicago and New York.