Voters Weigh In Tuesday on Proposed Texas Marriage Amendment
by Allie Martin
November 7, 2005
(AgapePress) - - Voters in Texas head to the polls tomorrow to decide the fate of a state constitutional marriage amendment. The ballot measure, Proposition Two, would protect the definition of marriage as being between one man and one woman and prevent courts in Texas from legalizing homosexual "marriage."
However, a group opposed to the measure recently called likely voters and told them a vote for Proposition Two would endanger traditional marriage. Hiram Sasser of Liberty Legal Institute believes the same-sex marriage advocates' tactics were both shameful and devious.
"It's really a shame," Sasser says, "that these homosexual activists couldn't just engage in a real debate over the issues, but instead started this deceitful misinformation campaign to try to swindle people out of their votes by calling them and telling them if they believe in traditional marriage they should vote against when, in reality, those people would want to vote for."
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot has assured voters that Proposition Two would in no way invalidate traditional marriage. The apparent attempt by pro-homosexual activists to confuse voters may be an indication of how high the stakes are for those on both sides of the issue, who will be watching tomorrow's polls with keen interest.
Sasser says Christians in other U.S. states are also closely monitoring the vote. "Texas, being a large state, is sort of like an experimental laboratory for all the rest of the states," he notes, "so, as this marriage amendment vote goes and as these tactics play out in Texas, expect to see more of the same in these other states that will be deciding these issues in the future."
Although Texas already has a law banning same-sex marriage, Sasser feels a constitutional amendment is needed to prevent activist judges from legalizing the practice. He says the passage of such an amendment will send a strong message not only across the state but throughout the nation as well.
Allie Martin, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.