Knight: Golden Globes Reflect Hollywood's True Colors
by Bill Fancher
January 23, 2006
(AgapePress) - - Pro-family advocate Bob Knight says last week's Golden Globe awards have left little doubt about Hollywood's efforts to promote the homosexual lifestyle.
Big winners at this year's Golden Globes definitely focused on the edgy side of sexuality. The pro-homosexual cowboy film Brokeback Mountain took honors for best drama, best director, best song and best screenplay, while Desperate Housewives' Felicity Huffman won best actress for her role in TransAmerica as a pre-operative male-to-female transsexual. In addition, Philip Seymour Hoffman won best actor for his portrayal of homosexual writer Truman Capote in Capote.
 Bob Knight | |
Knight's assessment? "Hollywood really outdid itself this time," says the director of the Culture and Family Institute. "[T]hree homosexual-themes movies scored some of the top awards Hollywood has to give out."None of the three films has done well at the box office, proving perhaps that Dr. Janice Crouse of Concerned Women for America was correct when she observed that "the media elites are proving that their pet projects are more important than profit." (See earlier article)
Knight concurs, observing that Tinseltown continues to promote the deadly lifestyle even when it does not always result in a box-office hit. He points that according to research, homosexual activity takes 30 years off the average lifespan for a man. "This shows [that] Hollywood's infatuation with homosexuality continues -- and they want to make sure the rest of us are infatuated with it, too," he says. "Whether it works or not is anybody's guess."
The Culture and Family Institute spokesman notes that most television sitcoms have homosexual characters, and that a large percentage of TV dramas have not only homosexual characters but also recurring homosexual themes. Knight believes more Americans are tolerant of homosexuals than ever before -- implying that desensitization through the constant barrage of pro-homosexual content on television and at the theater may be working.
Bill Fancher, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.