Tennessee Pro-Lifers Rally in State Capital on 'Sanctity of Life Sunday'
by Jenni Parker
January 25, 2006
(AgapePress) - - Last Sunday, as pro-abortion forces around the United States celebrated the 33rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in America, many pro-life groups marked the date (January 22) as a day of mourning for the millions of babies killed since that ruling. However, at one Right to Life chapter's gathering, overwhelming the initial mood of lament was a rallying cry of victory and a call for continued action.This year, Tennessee Right to Life (TRL) held its annual Rally for Life in Nashville, drawing a crowd of an estimate 1,200 to 1,500 people. The event brought a number of prominent pro-life, Christian, and pro-family figures to the podium, including Dr. Richard Land, president of Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, and Christian music recording artist Nicole C. Mullen.
The rally featured other religious and political leaders both from the local area and from across the state of Tennessee, representing the diversity of the pro-life constituency. Several members of the metro area's Catholic community turned out to see and hear from Bishop-Elect David Choby, the newly appointed Bishop of the Nashville Catholic Diocese. Meanwhile one of the Protestant pastors on hand, Pastor Henry Coles, Jr., of Nashville's Word of Faith Church, helped to draw a considerable number of African American pro-lifers to the event.
|  Scene of the rally inside the Sheraton Hotel |
Due to inclement weather the gathering, which was originally to have taken place outdoors on the steps of the State Capitol, moved to a ballroom at the nearby Sheraton Hotel, across from a war memorial. The wet weather and thunder nearly put a damper on the proceedings; however, more than one speaker reflected on the irony of the precipitation, which prompted some to think of it as Heaven, or creation itself, weeping over the cause that precipitated this gathering.Tears for the Unborn, Words of Encouragement
Karen Brukardt, Legislative Liaison for TRL, said after her initial frustration with the unfortunate weather, she began to reflect on how the rain could be thought of "as tears -- the tears of 33 years of abortion on demand in America: the tears of every woman that has been hurt by an abortion; the tears of every family member who has not known a grandchild, a niece, or a nephew because a life has been lost through abortion; the tears of a nation whose very future has been sacrificed on the altar of a woman's right to choose."
Early on, however, a reading of George W. Bush's proclamation, declaring January 22 "Sanctity of Life Sunday" focused rally participants on the positives to be celebrated. Bishop-Elect Choby observed, "I'm very proud of the proclamation issued by President Bush, and I'm proud of the strong position that he is taking with regard to defending the sanctity of life.
"We are all aware of the fact that there are forces at work that seek to cheapen and undermine that dignity that only God himself can place in our hearts as human beings," the bishop continued. "I was speaking earlier with someone who said we really are in a battle for the hearts and the souls of the people of our country. That battle is the Lord's battle to win. Ultimately, however, it is for us to be strong and faithful witnesses, unashamed of our commitment to the sanctity of life."
The sacredness of life, the Catholic leader noted, is rooted in the fact that God Himself is its source. "And so, while the battle is still to be fought, while efforts still have to be made, we realize that everything depends upon Him," Choby said, "and we pray that ultimately there will be a conversion experience in our city, in our state, in our community, to the realization of the sanctity of life."Pastor Coles, during his turn at the stand, remarked on how honored he feels to be a part of the Right to Life movement. "I feel that it is my destiny as an African American man to speak for the life of all," he said, "and in particular to go into my own community [with that message]. I was appalled when I found out that I have idly sat by while millions of African American babies have been offered up on the table of abortion."
Coles called on fellow Christians to examine themselves for such complacency, and to let themselves be stirred to action on behalf of the unborn. "We can no longer stand idle, we can no longer say that this is the way of the world or this is the contemporary society that we are a part of," he asserted. "We must be willing to stand up and, even if we find ourselves in small numbers, we must be willing to say this is right, regardless of what others may say."
"Jesus says I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life," the pastor of Word of Faith added, going on to note that "if Jesus is the Life, then we must, in our love for Him, be willing to stand up for those who have no voice.
"We that call ourselves Christians, who have been redeemed, must purpose in our hearts to ultimately become a source of redemption," Coles declared, "through our voice, through our legislation, and through our activism for the cause of those that have no voice and for the sanctity of life."
SBC Leader Assures Pro-Lifers 'We Are Winning!'
Later, Southern Baptist leader Richard Land elicited shouts and applause when he assured the audience, "We are winning the struggle for hearts and minds in America." He acknowledged the great tragedy that 3,600 babies would die that very day, even as another 3,600 babies died the day before and another 3,600 babies would die the day after. However, he pointed out that even in the midst of that horrible statistic, a glimmer of hope shines.
|  During TRL's Rally for Life in Nashville, a "Reproductive Choice" truck from the Center for Bioethical Reform circled the block, reminding pedestrians of the gruesome reality of abortion |
Land said although 3,600 babies aborted daily is "a desecration of our nation and it is a desecration of God's sanctity of human life," the fact is that ten years ago 4,000 babies died today, and 4,000 the day before, and 4,000 the day after. "And God has a plan and a purpose for every one of those lives," he observed."Four hundred of those babies today and yesterday and tomorrow, they're going to have life because you stood up and made your voice count," the ERLC spokesman said. "God bless you. I believe that I am looking at the local expression of the single reason that God has not judged our nation more harshly than He has."
Land went on to elucidate his belief that, even in a nation that has for 33 years tolerated the slaughter of innocents, pro-life voices have helped stay the hand of judgment. "It's because the American people, still understanding that God is the giver of life, are rising up and saying, 'Enough is enough! We are not going to rest until we put a stop to this child sacrifice of our [unborn] children.'"
Despite all appearances, the Southern Baptist leader said, pro-life America is winning this difficult battle, particularly with the next generation. He cited a recent poll that revealed, as he put it, that "the younger you are in America, the more pro-life you are." That survey found that a majority of teenage girls, when asked how they would handle an unwanted pregnancy, said they would not abort.
"Every time a baby is born we win," Land declared, adding, "but I'm telling you, beyond that, we're winning. The most pro-life voting block in America are 18- to 33-year-old voters." And he believes the reason is not hard to figure out.
"Thirty-three years ago the Supreme Court declared open season on unborn babies. Pro-life parents had their babies, and they raised them to be pro-life. Pro-abortion parents didn't have their babies and didn't raise them to be anything," he pointed out. "And that's why in the last presidential election, the pro-life candidate carried 24 of the 25 states with the highest birth rate, and the pro-choice candidate carried the 18 states with the lowest birth rate."
Land's final words to the pro-life rally crowd were a rousing word of encouragement. "You are making a difference," he said. "Let's resolve to not rest until God has given us the victory He wants us to have. Here on Earth, God's work must continue to be our own. God bless you."